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edit the TuPrologRuntimeException type hierarchy to support a stack o…
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…f ExecutionContexts for each exception, making MetaError useless
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gciatto committed Aug 28, 2020
1 parent 924d9cd commit bab7cac
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Expand Up @@ -8,21 +8,31 @@ import kotlin.js.JsName
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param exitStatus The integer code representing the exit status code; it defaults to 1
* @author Enrico
class HaltException(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
@JsName("exitStatus") val exitStatus: Int = 1
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, context) {
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, contexts) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
exitStatus: Int = 1
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), exitStatus)

constructor(cause: Throwable?, context: ExecutionContext, exitStatus: Int = 1)
: this(cause?.toString(), cause, context, exitStatus)

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): HaltException =
HaltException(message, cause, newContext, exitStatus)
HaltException(message, cause, contexts.setFirst(newContext), exitStatus)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): HaltException =
HaltException(message, cause, contexts.addLast(newContext), exitStatus)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param type The error type structure
* @param extraData The possible extra data to be carried with the error
Expand All @@ -23,10 +23,18 @@ import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
abstract class PrologError(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
@JsName("type") open val type: Struct,
@JsName("extraData") open val extraData: Term? = null
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, context) {
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, contexts) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
type: Struct,
extraData: Term? = null
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), type, extraData)

constructor(cause: Throwable?, context: ExecutionContext, type: Struct, extraData: Term? = null)
: this(cause?.toString(), cause, context, type, extraData)
Expand All @@ -37,8 +45,9 @@ abstract class PrologError(
private fun generateErrorStruct() =
extraData?.let { errorStructOf(type, it) } ?: errorStructOf(type)

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologError =
of(message, cause, newContext, type, extraData)
abstract override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologError

abstract override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologError

override fun toString(): String = errorStruct.toString()

Expand All @@ -57,33 +66,43 @@ abstract class PrologError(
context: ExecutionContext,
type: Struct,
extraData: Term? = null
): PrologError = of(message, cause, arrayOf(context), type, extraData)

fun of(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
type: Struct,
extraData: Term? = null
): PrologError = with(type) {
when {
functor == MetaError.typeFunctor && cause is TuPrologRuntimeException -> MetaError(
functor == InstantiationError.typeFunctor -> InstantiationError(message, cause, context, extraData)
functor == SystemError.typeFunctor -> SystemError(message, cause, context, extraData)
functor == InstantiationError.typeFunctor -> InstantiationError(message, cause, contexts, extraData)
functor == SystemError.typeFunctor -> SystemError(message, cause, contexts, extraData)
functor == ExistenceError.typeFunctor && type.arity == 2 ->
ExistenceError(message, cause, context, ExistenceError.ObjectType.fromTerm(type[0])!!, type[1])
ExistenceError(message, cause, contexts, ExistenceError.ObjectType.fromTerm(type[0])!!, type[1])
functor == DomainError.typeFunctor && arity == 2 && DomainError.Expected.fromTerm(args.first()) != null ->
functor == TypeError.typeFunctor && arity == 2 && TypeError.Expected.fromTerm(args.first()) != null ->
TypeError(message, cause, context, TypeError.Expected.fromTerm(args.first())!!, args[1], extraData)
TypeError(message, cause, contexts, TypeError.Expected.fromTerm(args.first())!!, args[1], extraData)
functor == EvaluationError.typeFunctor && arity == 1 && EvaluationError.Type.fromTerm(args.single()) != null ->
EvaluationError(message, cause, context, EvaluationError.Type.fromTerm(args.single())!!, extraData)
functor == MessageError.typeFunctor -> MessageError(message, cause, context, extraData)
else -> object : PrologError(message, cause, context, type, extraData) {}
EvaluationError(message, cause, contexts, EvaluationError.Type.fromTerm(args.single())!!, extraData)
functor == MessageError.typeFunctor -> MessageError(message, cause, contexts, extraData)
else -> object : PrologError(message, cause, contexts, type, extraData) {
override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologError =
of(this.message, this.cause, this.contexts.setFirst(newContext), this.type, this.extraData)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologError =
of(this.message, this.cause, this.contexts.addLast(newContext), this.type, this.extraData)
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Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,22 @@ import it.unibo.tuprolog.solve.ExecutionContext
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @author Giovanni
abstract class PrologWarning(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, context)
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, contexts) {
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context))

abstract override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologWarning

abstract override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): PrologWarning
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,21 +9,31 @@ import kotlin.js.JsName
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param exceededDuration The time duration exceeded
* @author Enrico
class TimeOutException(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
@JsName("exceededDuration") val exceededDuration: TimeDuration
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, context) {
) : TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, contexts) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
exceededDuration: TimeDuration
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), exceededDuration)

constructor(cause: Throwable?, context: ExecutionContext, exceededDuration: TimeDuration)
: this(cause?.toString(), cause, context, exceededDuration)

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): TimeOutException =
TimeOutException(message, cause, newContext, exceededDuration)
TimeOutException(message, cause, contexts.setFirst(newContext), exceededDuration)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): TimeOutException =
TimeOutException(message, cause, arrayOf(*contexts, newContext), exceededDuration)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,20 +10,36 @@ import kotlin.js.JsName
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
open class TuPrologRuntimeException(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
@JsName("context") val context: ExecutionContext
@JsName("contexts") val contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>
) : TuPrologException(message, cause) {

init {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
vararg otherContexts: ExecutionContext
: this(message, cause, arrayOf(context, *otherContexts))

constructor(cause: Throwable?, context: ExecutionContext) : this(cause?.toString(), cause, context)

val context: ExecutionContext
get() = contexts[0]

/** The exception stacktrace; shorthand for `context.prologStackTrace` */
val prologStackTrace: List<Struct>
get() = context.prologStackTrace
get() = sequenceOf(*contexts).flatMap { it.prologStackTrace.asSequence() }.toList()

* Creates a new exception instance with context field updated to [newContext].
Expand All @@ -33,4 +49,14 @@ open class TuPrologRuntimeException(
open fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): TuPrologRuntimeException =
TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, newContext)

open fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): TuPrologRuntimeException =
TuPrologRuntimeException(message, cause, arrayOf(*contexts, context))

protected fun Array<ExecutionContext>.setFirst(item: ExecutionContext): Array<ExecutionContext> =
arrayOf(item, *copyOfRange(1, size))

protected fun Array<ExecutionContext>.addLast(item: ExecutionContext): Array<ExecutionContext> =
arrayOf(*this, item)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,21 +13,35 @@ import it.unibo.tuprolog.solve.exception.PrologError
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param expectedDomain The expected domain, that wouldn't have raised the error
* @param actualValue The value not respecting [expectedDomain]
* @param extraData The possible extra data to be carried with the error
* @author Enrico
class DomainError(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
val expectedDomain: Expected,
val actualValue: Term,
extraData: Term? = null
) : PrologError(message, cause, context, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {
) : PrologError(message, cause, contexts, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
expectedDomain: Expected,
actualValue: Term,
extraData: Term? = null
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), expectedDomain, actualValue, extraData)

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): DomainError =
DomainError(message, cause, contexts.setFirst(newContext), expectedDomain, actualValue, extraData)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): DomainError =
DomainError(message, cause, contexts.addLast(newContext), expectedDomain, actualValue, extraData)

override val type: Struct by lazy { Struct.of(super.type.functor, expectedDomain.toTerm(), actualValue) }

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import it.unibo.tuprolog.solve.exception.PrologError
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param errorType The error type
* @param extraData The possible extra data to be carried with the error
Expand All @@ -21,10 +21,24 @@ import it.unibo.tuprolog.solve.exception.PrologError
class EvaluationError(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
val errorType: Type,
extraData: Term? = null
) : PrologError(message, cause, context, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {
) : PrologError(message, cause, contexts, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
errorType: Type,
extraData: Term? = null
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), errorType, extraData)

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): EvaluationError =
EvaluationError(message, cause, contexts.setFirst(newContext), errorType, extraData)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): EvaluationError =
EvaluationError(message, cause, contexts.addLast(newContext), errorType, extraData)

override val type: Struct by lazy { Struct.of(super.type.functor, errorType.toTerm()) }

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -13,22 +13,37 @@ import it.unibo.tuprolog.solve.exception.PrologError
* @param message the detail message string.
* @param cause the cause of this exception.
* @param context The current context at exception creation
* @param contexts a stack of contexts localising the exception
* @param expectedType The type of the missing object
* @param actualValue The object whose lack caused the error
* @param extraData The possible extra data to be carried with the error
class ExistenceError(
message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
contexts: Array<ExecutionContext>,
val expectedType: ObjectType,
val actualValue: Term,
extraData: Term? = null
) : PrologError(message, cause, context, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {
) : PrologError(message, cause, contexts, Atom.of(typeFunctor), extraData) {

message: String? = null,
cause: Throwable? = null,
context: ExecutionContext,
expectedType: ObjectType,
actualValue: Term,
extraData: Term? = null
) : this(message, cause, arrayOf(context), expectedType, actualValue, extraData)

override val type: Struct by lazy { Struct.of(super.type.functor, expectedType.toTerm(), actualValue) }

override fun updateContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): ExistenceError =
ExistenceError(message, cause, contexts.setFirst(newContext), expectedType, actualValue, extraData)

override fun pushContext(newContext: ExecutionContext): ExistenceError =
ExistenceError(message, cause, contexts.addLast(newContext), expectedType, actualValue, extraData)

companion object {

fun forProcedure(
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