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initiation GM-PHD filter
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tuandn8 committed Feb 8, 2015
1 parent 7037a46 commit dff3a4d
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Showing 32 changed files with 3,244 additions and 0 deletions.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions CalculateOSPAMetric.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
%Last modified 21 November 2013
%Matlab code by Bryan Clarke

%This is an implementation of the Optimal Subpattern Assignment
%(OSPA) metric proposed by Schuhmacher et al in
%Schuhmacher, D.; Ba-Tuong Vo; Ba-Ngu Vo, "A Consistent Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Object Filters," Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.56, no.8, pp.3447,3457, Aug. 2008
%X is the estimated state in the form [ [x1; y1; vx1; vy1], [x2; y2; vx2;
%vy2] , ...]
%Y is the ground truth in the form [ [x1; y1; vx1; vy1], [x2; y2; vx2;
%vy2] , ...]
%This isn't actually important, as we will swap the labels so that X
%is the label of the shorter vector and Y is the label of the longer.
%cutoff_c and order_p are parameters that control the metric calculation;
%cutoff is a saturation threshold, order controls how punishing it is to
%larger errors versus smaller ones. See the paper by Schuhmacher et al to
%get a handle on these in more detail.
%NOTE: This implementation is still a work in progress and is a bit buggy. Use with caution.
%NOTE: We only use 2D OSPA, for position; we don't use the velocities.
function ospa = CalculateOSPAMetric(X, Y, cutoff_c, order_p)

m = size(X, 2);%Length of vector X
n = size(Y, 2);%Length of vector Y

alphas = cutoff_c * ones(1, n);%Initialise to cutoff, overwrite if there is a shorter value
bestOMATCost = -1;
bestOMATDataAssoc_i = [];

%m (i.e. the length of X) needs to be less than or equal to n (the length of Y)
if(m > n)%Swap them if this is not the case. X and Y are just labels that can be applied to either vector; whichever one is estimate or truth is not important.
tmpX = X;
tmpm = m;
X = Y;
m = n;
Y = tmpX;
n = tmpm;
if(m > 0)%If there are other values, we need to find the best data association.
%We calculate all potential combinations (ie. subsampling without
comboSize = m;
valuesSampled = 1:n;
allCombos = combnk(valuesSampled, comboSize);
nCombos = size(allCombos, 1);

%Then for each combination, we calculate every permutation (i.e.
%different ways to order the numbers) to find all possible data
for i = 1:nCombos
thisCombo = allCombos(i,:);%The combination we are using
allDataAssocs = perms(thisCombo);
nDataAssocs = size(allDataAssocs, 1);
%We check all the data associations for this combination
for j = 1:nDataAssocs
thisDataAssoc = allDataAssocs(j,:);%An ordered list of the indices of Y to match them against the values in X
thisY = Y(:,thisDataAssoc);
thisOMATCost = CalculateOMATMetric(X, thisY, order_p);

if(bestOMATCost < 0) || (thisOMATCost < bestOMATCost) %If this is the first iteration, or the best so far, save
bestOMATCost = thisOMATCost;
bestOMATDataAssoc_i = thisDataAssoc;

%Now that we have the best data association, we use it to calculate
%alphas for the matched points
for i = 1:m
thisX = X(:,i);
thisY = Y(:,bestOMATDataAssoc_i(i));%Use the data association array to pull out the corresponding value in Y
alphas(i) = min(cutoff_c, norm(thisX - thisY) ^ order_p);%New alpha is either the distance or the cutoff, whichever is lower.
%Add cutoff for unmatched targets
for i = 1:(n - m)
alphas(m+i) = cutoff_c;

alphasSum = sum(alphas) / n;
ospa = alphasSum ^ (1/order_p);

%We assume that the length of X = the length of Y, since we only use this
%for finding the best data association for the OSPA metric.
%X and Y are 2d arrays [[x1; y1], [x2; y2] ...[xN; yN]]
%order_p is an integer greater than zero
function omat = CalculateOMATMetric(X, Y, order_p)
m = size(X, 2);
omat = 0;
for i = 1:m
thisX = X(:,i);
thisY = Y(:,i);
dx = thisX(1) - thisY(1);
dy = thisX(2) - thisY(2);
omat = omat + hypot(dx, dy) ^ order_p;
omat = omat / m;
omat = omat ^ (1/order_p);%Since length of X = length of Y, the OMAT distance simplifies to this
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions Calculate_Jacobian_H.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
%% Calculate_Jacobian_H
%Calculates the Jacobian of a range-bearing measurement model
%xS and yS are the position of the sensor
%xL, yL, vxL, vyL are the state of the landmark (position and velocities)
%Velocities are not used.
%This function is re-implemented as a one-line anonymous function in
%GM_EKF_PHD_Initialise_Jacobians but I kept this here in case you want more
%info on how it was calculated, or want to change it.
function H = Calculate_Jacobian_H(xS, yS, xL, yL, vxL, vyL)
%H = [d(f_r)/dX; d(f_theta)/dX ]
%H = [d(f_r) / dx d(f_r) / dy d(f_r) / dvx d(f_r) / dvy]
% [d(f_theta) / dx d(f_theta) / dy d(f_theta)/ dvx d(f_theta) / dvy]
%f_r = (delta_x^2 + delta_y^2)^1/2 = ((xL - xR)^2 + (yL - yR)^2)^1/2
%f_theta = atan(delta_y/delta_x)
%d(f_r) / dx = (xL - xR) / range (where range = hypot(xL - xR, yL - yR))
%d(f_r) / dy = (yL - yR) / range
%d(f_theta) / dx = (yR - yL) / range^2
%d(f_theta) / dy = (xL - xR) / range^2

% We use wolfram alpha to differentiate things.
% "Derivative of ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2)^1/2 with respect to x" gives
% (x - a) / ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2)^1/2
% "Derivative of ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2)^1/2 with respect to y" gives
% (y - b) / ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2)^1/2
%"Derivative of atan2((y-a),(x-b)) with respect to x" gives
%(a - y) / ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2) <--------- NOTE that this is (a - y) on
%numerator, not (y - a)
%"Derivative of atan2((y-a),(x-b)) with respect to y" gives
%(x - b) / ((x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2)

range = hypot(xL - xS, yL - yS);
delta_x = xL - xS;
delta_y = yL - yS;

dfr_dx = delta_x / range;
dfr_dy = delta_y / range;
dfr_dvx = 0;
dfr_dvy = 0;

dftheta_dx = -delta_y / range^2;
dftheta_dy = delta_x / range^2;
dftheta_dvx = 0;
dftheta_dvy = 0;

dfvx_dx = 0;
dfvx_dy = 0;
dfvx_dvx = 1;
dfvx_dvy = 0;

dfvy_dx = 0;
dfvy_dy = 0;
dfvy_dvx = 0;
dfvy_dvy = 1;

H = [ [dfr_dx, dfr_dy, dfr_dvx, dfr_dvy]; [dftheta_dx, dftheta_dy, dftheta_dvx, dftheta_dvy]; [dfvx_dx, dfvx_dy, dfvx_dvx, dfvx_dvy ]; [dfvy_dx, dfvy_dy, dfvy_dvx, dfvy_dvy] ];

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions ConvertPlusMinusPi.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function theta = ConvertPlusMinusPi(theta)
while(theta > pi)
theta = theta - 2 * pi;
while(theta < -pi)
theta = theta + 2 * pi;
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions GM_EKF_PHD_Construct_Update_Components.m
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%% GM_EKF_PHD_Construct_Update_Components
%Matlab code by Bryan Clarke

%This file creates the components needed for performing an extended Kalman filter update on the
%targets using the measurement.
s = sprintf('Step 3: Constructing update components for all targets, new and existing.');

%We need to clear the data structures each iteration
eta = [];
S = [];
K = [];
P_k_k = [];

xR = x_sensor(1);
yR = x_sensor(2);
hR = x_sensor(3);
R_polar = calculate_R_polar(sigma_r, sigma_theta);%Sensor covariance, polar

for j = 1:numTargets_Jk_k_minus_1

m_j = mk_k_minus_1(:,j);
eta_j = zeros(4,1);%Expected observation
eta_j(1:2) = h(xR,yR,hR,m_j(1), m_j(2));%Observation model.
eta_j(3:4) = [m_j(3); m_j(4)];%Assume constant velocity.
P_range = calculateDataRange4(j); %4x4 array

H = calculate_Jacobian_H(xR, yR, m_j(1), m_j(2));

PHt = Pk_k_minus_1(:,P_range) * H'; %Taken from Tim Bailey's EKF code. 4x2 array

r = eta_j(1);
theta = eta_j(2);
%We need to extend the sensor covariance R to include the covariance of
%the speed estimation. See GM_PHD_Initialise_Jacobians for details on
%this calculation.
R_cartesian = calculate_R_cartesian(R_polar, r, theta, hR);%sensor covariance, cartesian
R_velocity = calculate_R_velocity_cartesian(Pk_k_minus_1(1:2,P_range(1:2)), R_cartesian, dt);%We need the landmark position uncertainty, the sensor uncertainty (in cartesian space) and the time delta
R = [ [R_polar, zeros(2,2)]; [zeros(2,2), R_velocity] ];

%Calculate K via Tim Bailey's method.
S_j = U * R * U' + H * PHt; %U is set in GM_PHD_Initialise_Jacobians.

%At this point, Tim Bailey's code makes S_j symmetric. In this case, it leads to the matrix being non-positive definite a lot of the time and chol crashes.
%So we won't do that.
SChol= chol(S_j);

SCholInv = SChol \ eye(size(SChol)); % triangular matrix, invert via left division
W1 = PHt * SCholInv;

HPHt = H * PHt;

K_j = W1 * SCholInv';

P_j = Pk_k_minus_1(:,P_range) - W1*W1';%4x4 array
%End Tim Bailey's code.

eta = [eta, eta_j];
S = [S, S_j];
K = [K, K_j];
P_k_k = [P_k_k, P_j];
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions GM_EKF_PHD_Create_Birth.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
%Matlab code by Bryan Clarke

%This file performs the processing on measurements to extract new targets
%and populates the birth lists (mean, weight, covariance) needed to instantiate them next iteration.

%This is not formally spelt out in Vo&Ma so I have used my best judgement to
%come up with a method to initialise targets. Targets are initialised as
%static (using the position of current measurements) and/or dynamic (using
%two generations of measurements and calculating the movement between).
%If only static targets are added, the number of new targets = the number
%of measurements.
%If only dynamic targets are added, the number of new targets = the number of
%measurements this teration * the number of measurements last iteration
%If both static and dynamic targets are added, the number of new targets is
%equal to the sum of these.
disp('Step 7: Creating new targets from measurements, for birthing next iteration');
w_birth = [];
m_birth = [];
P_birth = [];
w_spawn = [];
m_spawn = [];
P_spawn = [];
numBirthedTargets = 0;
numSpawnedTargets = 0;

%We create targets using two generations of measurements.
%The first generation is used to calculate the velocity (dx/dt) to the
%second generation.
%The second generation gives the position.
%We also add a set of targets from the second generation but with velocity
%zero, since some may be unlinked to the first generation, but we have no
%velocity information for them.
if((addVelocityForNewTargets == true) && (k >= 2))%If we want to add targets with initial velocities.If only one iteration complete, cannot calculate velocity
%Each measurement consists of 2 rows
thisMeasRowRange = k;
prevMeasRowRange = k-1;

thisMeas = simMeasurementHistory{thisMeasRowRange};
prevMeas = simMeasurementHistory{prevMeasRowRange};

for j_this = 1:size(thisMeas,2)
for j_prev = 1:1:size(prevMeas,2)%Match every pair from previous to current
z_this = thisMeas(:,j_this);
z_prev = prevMeas(:, j_prev);
%Calculate and add the velocity.
m_i = inv_h(z_this(1), z_this(2), x_sensor(1), x_sensor(2), x_sensor(3));
thisV = (m_i(1:2) - inv_h(z_prev(1), z_prev(2), x_sensor(1), x_sensor(2), x_sensor(3))) / dt;
if(abs(thisV(1)) > MAX_V) || (abs(thisV(2)) > MAX_V)
continue;%To reduce the number of targets added, we filter out the targets with unacceptable velocities.
%Augment with velocity
m_i = [m_i; thisV];

%Decide if the target is birthed (from birth position)
%or spawned (from an existing target)
%Initialise the weight to birth
birthWeight = birth_intensity(m_i);
%Targets can also spawn from existing targets. We will
%take whichever is a higher weight - birthing or
nTargets = size(X_k, 2);
maxSpawnWeight = -1;
for targetI = 1:nTargets
thisWeight = spawn_intensity(m_i, X_k(:,targetI)) * X_k_w(targetI);%Spawn weight is a function of proximity to the existing target, and the weight of the existing target.
if(thisWeight > maxSpawnWeight)
maxSpawnWeight = thisWeight;
%Check if birthing had higher weight.
if(birthWeight > maxSpawnWeight)
%Birth the target
w_i = birthWeight;
%Initialise the covariance
P_i = covariance_birth;
w_birth = [w_birth, w_i];
m_birth = [m_birth m_i];
P_birth = [P_birth, P_i];
numBirthedTargets = numBirthedTargets + 1;
%Spawn the target
w_i = maxSpawnWeight;
%Initialise the covariance
P_i = covariance_spawn;
w_spawn = [w_spawn, w_i];
m_spawn = [m_spawn, m_i];
P_spawn = [P_spawn, P_i];
numSpawnedTargets = numSpawnedTargets + 1;
%If we want to add targets, treating them as if they are
if (addStaticNewTargets == true)
thisMeasRowRange = k;
thisMeas = simMeasurementHistory{thisMeasRowRange};
for j_this = 1:size(thisMeas,2) %Each measurement consists of 2 rows

%Add a static target
z_this = thisMeas(:,j_this);
m_i = inv_h(z_this(1), z_this(2), x_sensor(1), x_sensor(2), x_sensor(3));

m_i(3:4) = [0; 0];

%Decide if the target is birthed (from birth position)
%or spawned (from an existing target)
%Initialise the weight to birth
birthWeight = birth_intensity(m_i);
%Targets can also spawn from existing targets. We will
%take whichever is a higher weight - birthing or
nTargets = size(X_k, 2);
maxSpawnWeight = -1;
for targetI = 1:nTargets
thisWeight = spawn_intensity(m_i, X_k(:,targetI)) * X_k_w(targetI);%Spawn weight is a function of proximity to the existing target, and the weight of the existing target.
if(thisWeight > maxSpawnWeight)
maxSpawnWeight = thisWeight;
%Check if birthing had higher weight.
if(birthWeight > maxSpawnWeight)
%Birth the target
w_i = birthWeight;
%Initialise the covariance
P_i = covariance_birth;
w_birth = [w_birth, w_i];
m_birth = [m_birth m_i];
P_birth = [P_birth, P_i];
numBirthedTargets = numBirthedTargets + 1;
%Spawn the target
w_i = maxSpawnWeight;
%Initialise the covariance
P_i = covariance_spawn;
w_spawn = [w_spawn, w_i];
m_spawn = [m_spawn m_i];
P_spawn= [P_spawn, P_i];
numSpawnedTargets = numSpawnedTargets + 1;

if VERBOSE == 1
for j = 1:numBirthedTargets
thisM = m_birth(:,j);
s = sprintf('Target to birth %d: %3.4f %3.4f %3.4f %3.4f Weight %3.9f', j, thisM(1), thisM(2), thisM(3), thisM(4), w_birth(j));
for j = 1:numSpawnedTargets
thisM = m_spawn(:,j);
s = sprintf('Target to spawn %d: %3.4f %3.4f %3.4f %3.4f Weight %3.9f', j, thisM(1), thisM(2), thisM(3), thisM(4), w_spawn(j));

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