Code base for paper: Adaptive Risk Tendency: Nano Drone Navigation in Cluttered Environments with Distributional Reinforcement Learning
- python 3.6+
- gym 0.10.5
- numpy 1.19.5
- pytorch 1.9.0
git clone
cd risk-sensitive-rl/crazyflie-env
python3 -m pip install -e '.[crazyflie-env]'
import gym, crazyflie_env
env = gym.make('CrazyflieEnv-v0') # env id
Note that the interface for this environment is slightly different than OpenAI gym. By calling env.step(<action>)
, the returned state
is a object that need to be transferred to numpy arrays. This is implemented by a transfer function series in art-iqn/utils/
For the details of using this environment, refer to art-iqn/
or art-iqn/
To reproduce our real-world experiments, one needs a crazyflie drone system equiped with multiranger deck and an global position system like OptiTrack to locate the drone's absolute position. Onboard position estimation system can also be used but there maybe exist large drift.
python3 art-iqn/ --cvar=<your_cvar_value> --exp_id='<your_experiment_id>'
python3 art-iqn/
Supplementary video for our real-world experiment can be found in art-iqn/experiments/videos