Online coffee place startup business, where users can place drinks with toppings orders and admins can create/update/delete drinks/toppings and have access to the most used toppings.
Admin user can create/update/delete drinks/toppings and have access to the most used topping
You can order drinks with any of the topping combinations.
If the total cost of the cart is more than 12 euros, there should be a 25% discount.
If there are 3 or more drinks in the cart, the one with the lowest amount (including toppings) should be free.
If the cart is eligible for both promotions, the promotion with the lowest cart amount should be used and the other one should be ignored.
Spring Boot 3.2.0
Java 21
Test Containers
Follow the steps below to run the system locally.
git clone
cd coffe-store-backend
mvn clean install
docker-compose up -d
Stopping all the running containers is simple with a single command:
docker-compose down
User | Password |
admin | coffeee |
Jacoco test result :
To view the generated Swagger UI documentation go to: http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html#/
Service | EndPoint | Method | Description |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/drinks | POST | Create Drink |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/drinks/{id} | PUT | Update Drink |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/drinks/{id} | DELETE | Delete Drink |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/toppings | POST | Create Topping |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/toppings/{id} | PUT | Update Topping |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/toppings/{id} | DELETE | Delete Topping |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/toppings/most-used | GET | Get Most Used Toppings |
coffee-store-backend | /v1/orders | POST | Create Order |
JWT - authentication and authorization
Stock control
Spring AOP for logging