REST clients performance test
Java 13+, Gradle 6 or gradle-wrapper
gradle build -x test
cd ./build/libs
java -jar rest-clients.jar
Report will be saved as rest-clients-performance.csv
The fastest clients are:
- Java 11
- AsyncHttpClient (org.asynchttpclient:async-http-client)
- Spring Reactive WebClient (org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux)
- Jetty (org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client)
They all use NIO, Reactive architecture and can return response wrapped into CompletableFuture or Callback.
To achieve the best performance requests should be passed to rest client by several threads. Also, none of threads should wait for response by calling CompletableFuture::join or CompletableFuture::get.
Instead of that callback should be used to handle response like:
future.thenApply(response -> {});
future.thenRun(() -> {});