Repo for Robotrendszerek laboratórium project
- Navigációs stack behangolása bonyolult szimulációs környezetben
- Egy bonyolult szoba / épület feltérképezése és autonóm navigáció a navigációs stack használatával
- Mozgó akadályok szimulációja (pl ember, állat)
How to add new functionality to the stack: After working main branch
- Create feature/fix branch from main
- Develop feature set
- Test
- If testing was successful --> create PR
- PR has to be tested by other project member
- If it was successful --> squash merge onto main
Branch types:
- main: main branch, "protected"
- feature: feature branch, for adding new features, or expanding existing features
- example name: feature-lidar-xacro
- fix: fix branch
- example name: fix-robot-color
Clone repository and update submodules
mkdir -p workspace/src cd workspace/src git clone
Checkout on development and update submodules
cd src/pie-mapping-and-navigation git fetch git checkout development git pull git submodule update --init --recursive
Build gazebo actors plugin
cd gazebo_actor_collisions_plugin mkdir build cd build cmake .. make export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH:$(pwd)
Install dependencies and build the packages
cd workspace/src/pie-mapping-and-navigation sudo xargs -a apt-dependencies.txt apt install -y cd workspace catkin_make source devel/setup.bash
start the simulation (gazebo & rviz)
roslaunch pie_bringup bringup.launch
moving the robot
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
- start mapping
roslaunch pie_bringup gmapping.launch
- save map:
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map
roslaunch pie_bringup navigation.launch
Frequencies - base scan = 5.0 - global costmap update frequency: 5.0 - local costmap update frequency: 5.0 - ...
- Image transport and compression
- (pont jó)
- (nagyon compressed)
Add sources, links, documentations, any useful information, that might be useful or helpful.
Plan 3d scanning:
- Meshroom
- RealityCapture
turtlebot docs
packages: magic imu arrow