Generates all strings that match a given regular expression. Useful to create a wordlist to recover a partially known password. It's based on the Generex library.
You can use the bundled gradle distribution to build.
Unix based:
./gradlew fatJar
gradlew.bat fatJar
java -jar StringRex-*.jar <RegEx>
Prints the strings that match to STDOUT.
Running the jar with no arguments to open a small GUI. Enter the regular expression and press "Generate" to create the list of matches strings. Use the "Save to file"-Button to write a word list.
The used RegEx syntax is described in the javadoc for the RegExp class. Note that it may differ from the syntax you are used to.
Warning There is no limitation on the complexity of your expression or the size of the result. Be careful when designing your RegEx, generating all matched strings may require a lot of memory/time.