This is a repo linking to other projects which I have taken part during my time in Founders and Coders Nazareth Bootcamp
- Brief description of the projects done
- Link to the project repo
- Note: There will be no rewrite or housekeeping of the past projects, this repo only serves as a reference of the past projects *
Week 1 - Simple website with HTML, CSS and Javascript -
Week 2 - A simple ToDo list developed through TDD -
Week 3 - A news app using API for fetching news -
Week 4 - An autocompleter for stars name using Node JS -
Week 5 - A app which searches sun rise and sun set time in UTC by location names and date by calling 2 API
Week 6 - A fullstack JS recipe app using nodeJS and postgreSQL -
Week 7 - Week's 4 project + authentication -
Week 8 - Rebuild the recipe app -- using Express and Handlebars
Peer project - Develop app based on peers' idea; The app is for taking notes of a video by marking a timestamp; Built in React, Node and Postgre -
Prototype for Hasoub accelerator - Develop a protoytpe for Hasoub accelerator participants to pitch their ideas; The app was about a VR education startup - class360 -
Prototype for Education lab - Develope a MVP to improve the education system for Arab students in Israel