This package is available on PyPI
pip install pytest-mypy-plugins
and conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge pytest-mypy-plugins
Plugin, after installation, is automatically picked up by pytest
therefore it is sufficient to
just execute:
There are two ways to assert types.
The custom one and regular typing.assert_type
Our custom type assertion uses reveal_type
helper and custom output matchers:
- case: using_reveal_type
main: |
instance = 1
reveal_type(instance) # N: Revealed type is ''
This method also allows to use # E:
for matching exact error messages and codes.
But, you can also use regular assert_type
, examples can be found here.
environment variables, if set, are passed to mypy
on invocation.
This may be helpful if you are testing a local plugin and need to provide an import path to it.
Be aware that when mypy
is run in a subprocess (the default) the test cases are run in temporary working directories
where relative paths such as PYTHONPATH=./my_plugin
do not reference the directory which you are running pytest
If you encounter this, consider invoking pytest
with --mypy-same-process
or make your paths absolute,
e.g. PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/my_plugin pytest
You can also specify PYTHONPATH
, or any other environment variable in env:
section of yml
- case: mypy_path_from_env
main: |
from pair import Pair
instance: Pair
reveal_type(instance) # N: Revealed type is 'pair.Pair'
- MYPYPATH=../fixtures
In general each test case is just an element in an array written in a properly formatted YAML
On top of that, each case must comply to following types:
Property | Type | Description |
case |
str |
Name of the test case, complies to [a-zA-Z0-9] pattern |
main |
str |
Portion of the code as if written in .py file |
files |
Optional[List[File]]=[] * |
List of extra files to simulate imports if needed |
disable_cache |
Optional[bool]=False |
Set to true disables mypy caching |
mypy_config |
Optional[str] |
Inline mypy configuration, passed directly to mypy as --config-file option, possibly joined with --mypy-pyproject-toml-file or --mypy-ini-file contents if they are passed. By default is treated as ini , treated as toml only if --mypy-pyproject-toml-file is passed |
env |
Optional[Dict[str, str]]={} |
Environmental variables to be provided inside of test run |
parametrized |
Optional[List[Parameter]]=[] * |
List of parameters, similar to @pytest.mark.parametrize |
skip |
str |
Expression evaluated with following globals set: sys , os , pytest and platform |
expect_fail |
bool |
Mark test case as an expected failure, like @pytest.mark.xfail |
regex |
str |
Allow regular expressions in comments to be matched against actual output. Defaults to "no", i.e. matches full text. |
(*) Appendix to pseudo types used above:
class File:
path: str
content: Optional[str] = None
Parameter = Mapping[str, Any]
Implementation notes:
must be non-empty string that evaluates to valid Python code,content
of each of extra files must evaluate to valid Python code,parametrized
entries must all be the objects of the same type. It simply means that each entry must have exact same set of keys,skip
- an expression set inskip
is passed directly intoeval
. It is advised to take a peek and learn about howeval
Repository also offers a JSONSchema, with which it validates the input. It can also offer your editor auto-completions, descriptions, and validation.
All you have to do, add the following line at the top of your YAML file:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
# typesafety/test_request.yml
- case: request_object_has_user_of_type_auth_user_model
main: |
from django.http.request import HttpRequest
reveal_type(HttpRequest().user) # N: Revealed type is 'myapp.models.MyUser'
# check that other fields work ok
reveal_type(HttpRequest().method) # N: Revealed type is 'Union[builtins.str, None]'
- path: myapp/
- path: myapp/
content: |
from django.db import models
class MyUser(models.Model):
- case: with_params
- val: 1
- val: 1.0
rt: builtins.float
main: |
reveal_type({{ val }}) # N: Revealed type is '{{ rt }}'
Properties that you can parametrize:
- case: with_out
main: |
out: |
main:1: note: Revealed type is 'builtins.str'
- case: expected_message_regex_with_out
regex: yes
main: |
a = 'abc'
out: |
main:2: note: .*str.*
- case: expected_single_message_regex
main: |
a = 'hello'
reveal_type(a) # NR: .*str.*
Base directory for tests to use
Which `pyproject.toml` file to use
as a default config for tests.
Incompatible with `--mypy-ini-file`
Which `.ini` file to use as a default config for tests.
Incompatible with `--mypy-pyproject-toml-file`
Run in the same process. Useful for debugging,
will create problems with import cache
Fully qualified path to the extension hook function,
in case you need custom yaml keys. Has to be top-level
mypy will ignore errors from site-packages
Use closed schema to validate YAML test cases,
which won't allow any extra keys
(does not work well with `--mypy-extension-hook`)