We previously worked with python within the framework of QGIS but python is most flexible when used in stand-alone mode, which allows us to decouple the QGIS framework libraries from the base libraries of python and explicitly add libraries of our own. As with other languages, the power of Python comes from the plethora of high-quality libraries that extend the base functionality of the core python programming language. In the realm of spatial python there are many libraries but we will start with a couple: geopandas
, shapely
, rasterio
, and rasterstats
The objective of this lab is to reproduce one of the QGIS Tutorials you did previously:
You will need to install at least rasterstats
for this assignment. Add it to your geo37
Review Sampling raster data to see our objective.
Note that the paths in this assignment assume that the tl_2018_us_county shapefile is in the same directory as the other data and is not in a subdirectory.
We are going to again use geopandas
and descartes
in this lab, but also rasterio
, rasterstats
, matplotlib
, and others. To start with:
import os
import rasterio
We are going to reuse this string that gives the path to the tmax file you downloaded so let's store it in a variable. When you use a string more than once, it is better to create a variable to store the value because it is very easy for the value to become out of sync if, say, you want to change it and only change one of the instances.
For this assignment we assume all the data is in the same directory, which we'll label base_dir
. Update this as needed for your environment.
base_dir = '/Users/aaryn/gist604b/python/rasterstats'
No open the raster tmax:
Now, load the tif using rasterio
tmax = rasterio.open(tmax_path)
Do some data exploration:
tmax.transform * (tmax.width, tmax.height)
band1 = tmax.read(1)
Plot the raster:
from rasterio.plot import show
Import libraries:
import pandas
import shapely
import geopandas
import matplotlib as mpl
from descartes import PolygonPatch
Read CSV using pandas and specifying a tab (\t
) delimiter:
gaz = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(base_dir,'2018_Gaz_ua_national.txt'),delimiter='\t')
It does a poor job with the column names (one of them has a newline in it), so let's fix it:
gaz.columns = gaz.columns.str.strip()
Now explore:
This is a python way of creating an array from a loop. This creates an array of shapely
geometries based on the two
columns, INTPTLONG
geometry = [shapely.geometry.Point(xy) for xy in zip(gaz['INTPTLONG'], gaz.INTPTLAT)]
Finally, create the spatial dataframe using the table, the geometries, and the crs:
gaz_geo = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(gaz, geometry=geometry, crs='epsg:4326')
When we create a plot we can get access to the plot object, including its axes, and manipulate them. Additionally, we can
use the same plot and add data to it. Note that for this to work in spyder you will need to set your iPython
-> Graphics
-> Backend
to Automatic
rasterio.plot.show((tmax, 1))
ax = mpl.pyplot.gca()
Note the extents change when the gaz_geo
dataset is added to the plot. Let's zoom back in by changing the axis limits. Fix the axes to keep the extent snapped to the boundaries of the tmax
ax.set_xlim([tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.right])
ax.set_ylim([tmax.bounds.bottom, tmax.bounds.top])
Before we sample the points we will need to clip the points to the extent of the raster. Otherwise you will encounter errors
in the sampling. To clip points to the raster we need first create a polygon boundary of the raster and use a spatial
join to intersect the points with the polygon. Unfortunately, creating a polygon from the extent of the raster does not
seem to be very straight forward. We will first get the extents of the raster, then manually construct a geometry. In order
to use the geopandas
we will then need to create a geopandas SpatialDataFrame. This section details those steps.
The rasterio
raster has a bounds
attribute which gives the boundaries:
To create a shapely.geometry
shapely.geometry.Polygon([(left, bottom), (right, bottom), (right, top), (left, top), (left, bottom)])
which, subbing in the attributes from the tmax.bounds
poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.bottom), (tmax.bounds.right, tmax.bounds.bottom), (tmax.bounds.right, tmax.bounds.top), (tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.top),(tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.bottom)])
Geopandas wants the Polygon
in a GeoSeries
tmax_env_series = geopandas.GeoSeries(poly)
Finally, to create the GeoDataFrame
we need a geometry
and a DataFrame
tmax_env_gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': tmax_env_series, 'a':[1]})
Now we can intersect the points with the polygons. This is doing using the geopandas sjoin
method. See
geopandas doc for more information.
gaz_48 = geopandas.sjoin(gaz_geo, tmax_env_gdf)
If you did it right, then there should only be points within the outline of the tmax
raster (i.e., in the continental US).
To sample using the rasterio
library we will need to create a sequence of x,y
pairs. See rasterio docs.
xy = [xy for xy in zip(gaz_48['INTPTLONG'], gaz_48.INTPTLAT)]
Next, sample the raster with the x,y
You'll see it's a generator object
. To convert it to a list (which we want so we can add a new column to our points
GeoDataFrame, gaz_48
), just call the list()
function on it:
samples = list(tmax.sample(xy=xy))
should be the same length as the number of records in gaz_48
and in the same order.
But the type of each sample is a numpy.ndarray
- We want a simpler number.
We need to unnest:
gaz_48['tmax'] = [item for unnested in samples for item in unnested]
Now we can append the samples
list to the gas_48
gaz_48['tmax'] = samples
In the QGIS Tutorial, the tutorial switches gears and performs zonal stats on of the mean
max temperature within each
county. This is a relatively straightforward task with rasterstats
library, which has a zonal_stats
function. The zonal_stats
takes filenames as arguments. Continue to add commands to your sample_raster.py
First, import the counties shapefile:
import rasterstats
counties = geopandas.read_file(counties_path)
That's hard to see since we are interested in the continental US
ax = mpl.pyplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim([tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.right])
ax.set_ylim([tmax.bounds.bottom, tmax.bounds.top])
Take a minute to think about the resolutions and scales of these two datasets, the grid tmax
and the vector, counties
. If you look at the size of tl_2018_us_county.shp
on disk you will see it is around 127.3 MB. On the other hand, the tmax
tif is only 41KB.
Additionally, the two data sources are in different projections. Let's reproject the data and do some vector generalization. When we reproject to EPSG:4326 (lat/long, WGS84), we'll use the distance 0.01 degrees as the simplication tolerance.
counties_4326 = counties.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}).simplify(0.001)
counties_4326_path = os.path.join(base_dir,'tl_2018_us_county_4326.shp')
Next, perform the zonal stats. We need to set all_touched
= True
(see rasterstats docs for discussion.
county_stats = rasterstats.zonal_stats(counties_4326_path, tmax_path, stats="mean", all_touched=True, nodata=-999)
Dig in and see what it gives us:
This gives us a list
of dict
s with the mean
for each county. This is almost exactly what we want. But we also
want it joined to the counties GeoDataFrame but it needs to be converted into a list of numbers.
tmax_mean = [x['mean'] for x in county_stats]
This looks like what we want; just like with the samples, we will create a new column on counties
to store the
mean tmax
counties['tmax_mean'] = tmax_mean
Next, save the file:
Plot the counties using the tmax_mean
That's not easy to see so let's change the axes:
ax.set_xlim([tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.right])
ax.set_ylim([tmax.bounds.bottom, tmax.bounds.top])
counties.plot(column='tmax_mean', ax=ax)
Let's stretch the color map:
counties.plot(column='tmax_mean',cmap='OrRd', scheme='quantiles')
To finish, let's make a plot containing both the gaz_48
points and the counties symbolized by mean max temperature.
from matplotlib import pyplot
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 12))
ax.set_xlim([tmax.bounds.left, tmax.bounds.right])
ax.set_ylim([tmax.bounds.bottom, tmax.bounds.top])
counties.plot(column='tmax_mean', ax=ax)
Save this as sample_raster.png
Look at the geopandas docs to finish up. Recreate the last map containing the counties symbolized based on tmax_mean
and the gaz_48
urban areas but change:
- the color scheme of the counties
- the color of the gaz urban areas
- the symbol of the gaz urban areas
Create a screenshot of your final map and name it zonal_stats_county_temps.png
Create a new branch named rasterstats
and make a pull request with the following files in it to be merged with main
(do not merge them yourself):