This is a group chat via WebRTC with messages being encrypted using the OTR protocol. We've written a simple node.js server for signaling and room management and used React/Flux for the front-end.
You must have npm installed on your computer. From the root project directory run these commands from the command line:
npm install
This will install all dependencies.
To start a local server and a watch-task updating all buildfiles, run:
grunt reloading
To build the project like we've done for a cloudfoundry-type staging server, run:
grunt build
and deploy everything inside the build directory.
We've only specified a single STUN server in
and omitted TURN-servers. If you
want to add your own servers (STUN and/or TURN), add them to that list.
You can find quite an up-to-date list here: STUN+TURN servers list. This should get you started for trying out the chat. But for production applications you should get permission from all TURN/STUN servers you use and only use servers you trust as clients expose info about their networking infrastructure to them. Ideally you would set up your own servers.