####A lightweight game ready model and skeletal animation format specification and a blender exporter.
##SGM Specification
#Structure of exported mesh files (.sgm)
#magic number - uint32 - 352658064
#version - uint8 - 3
#number of materials - uint8
#material id - uint8
# number of uv sets - uint8
# number of textures - uint8
# texture type hint - uint8
# filename length - uint16
# filename - char*filename length
# number of colors - uint8
# color type hint - uint8
# color rgba - float32*4
#number of meshs - uint8
#mesh id - uint8
# used materials id - uint8
# number of vertices - uint32
# texcoord count - uint8
# color channel count - uint8 usually 0 or 4
# has tangents - uint8 0 if not, 1 otherwise
# has bones - uint8 0 if not, 1 otherwise
# interleaved vertex data - float32
# - position, normal, uvN, color, tangents, weights, bone indices
# number of indices - uint32
# index size - uint8, usually 2 or 4 bytes
# indices - index size
#has animation - uint8 0 if not, 1 otherwise
# animfilename length - uint16
# animfilename - char*animfilename length
##SGA Specification
#Structure of exported animation files (.sga)
#magic number - uint32 - 383405658
#version - uint8 - 1
#skeleton name length - uint16
#skeleton name - char*skeleton name length
#number of bones - uint16
# bone name length - uint16
# bone name - char*bone name length
# bone position xyz - float32*3
# bone is a root (does not have a parent) - uint8 0 if not, 1 otherwise
# bone number of children - uint16
# child index within this list of bones - uint16
#number of animations - uint16
# anim name length - uint16
# anim name - char*anim name length
# number of effected bones - uint16
# skeleton bone id - uint16
# number of frames for that bone - uint32
# time - float
# position xyz - 3*float
# scale xyz - 3*float
# rotation xyzw (quaternion) - 4*float