This is the MkDocs repository that hosts the website for Universal Blue.
You will need Python version 3.10 or higher and Poetry.
- Setup project dependencies
poetry install
- Run the local development server
poetry run mkdocs serve
- Open a browser to
. This will auto-reload on file changes
If you have access to mkdocs-material-insiders, run the following to install it:
poetry run pip install git+ssh://
Then use
poetry run mkdocs serve -f mkdocs.insiders.yml
- Create a fork of this repository
- Create a new branch for your contribution
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Add your contributions! Make changes, use
poetry run mkdocs serve
to validate those changes - Commit and push your changes to your branch
- Open a pull request to have it reviewed
Edit .github/ublue-scan.yml
to add images to the ignore list.
Use this for images that you don't want to be shown on
Typically we only want to show user-facing images on the site.