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Python package codecov



A python package for analysing exoplanet light-curves.

In PyLightcurve you will find tools for:

  • Calculation of limb darkening coefficients.
  • Calculation of exoplanetary orbits.
  • Calculation of exoplanet transit and eclipse properties.
  • Exoplanet transit and eclipse modeling.
  • Flexible fitting of multi-epoch and multi-colour exoplanet transit and eclipse light-curves.
  • Transformations between different angle and timing systems.

Developed by Angelos Tsiaras

PyLightcurve makes use of the following packages:

and of the following catalogues:

If you are using PyLightcurve for your research please cite all the above references individually and also:

Tsiaras et al. 2016

Updates in version 4.0

Deprecation notice

PyLightcurve 4.0 no longer supports the use of the Open Exoplanet Catalogue (OEC), due to the large number of mistakes in the catalogue and the absence of parameters updates. OEC has been replaced by the Exoplanet Characterisation Catalogue, dedicated to transiting exoplanets. This catalogue does not contain all the exoplanets at the moment but will be continuously updated with more planets.

Multi-epoch and multi-color data fitting

Version 4.0 brings a new easy way of simultaneously fitting light curves from different sources (different flux and time formats, different exposure times), different filters (multi-colour) and different epochs (multi-epoch).

Eclipse model and eclipse data fitting

We now have the option of modeling eclipse data (finally!) and also tools to calculate the eclipse mid-time, eclipse depth and eclipse duration, based of the orbital characteristics of the planet.

Limb-darkening coefficients

In this version, the default limb-darkening coefficients are calculated using the new package ExoTETHyS. This allows the calculation of the limb-darkening coefficients even for stars cooler than 3500 K.

Angles and times

PyLighrcurve 4.0 includes flexible objects for converting different expressions of angles (e.g. '+47:12:34.05' to degrees) and of timing systems (e.g. HJD_UTC to BJD_TDB).


Install PyLightcurve through pip:

pip install pylightcurve

... or download this repo, cd in it and use the file:

git clone
cd pylightcurve
python install

If you are looking for the previous version of PyLightcurve (v.3), check the relevant branch:


Exoplanets - using the plc.Planet object

In Pylightcurve 4.0.0 we can access all the old and new calculations related to exoplanets through the newly introduced plc.Planet object. These calculation aare:

  • limb-darkening coefficients
  • transit model
  • transit data fitting
  • transit duration
  • transit depth
  • planet-to-star flux ratio
  • eclipse time
  • eclipse model
  • eclipse data fitting
  • eclipse duration
  • eclipse depth
  • exoplanet orbital position
  • planet-star projected distance

We start by importing Pylightcurve, together with Numpy and Matplotib.

import pylightcurve as plc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

We can then define a plc.Planet object for our favorite exoplanet, HD 209458 b.

planet = plc.Planet(
    ra = 330.795,                  # float values are assumed to be in degrees,
                                   # alternatively, you can provide a plc.Hours or plc.Degrees object
                                   # here it would be plc.Hours('22:03:10.7729')
    dec = 18.884,                  # float values are assumed to be in degrees,
                                   # alternatively, you can provide a plc.Hours or plc.Degrees object
                                   # here it would be plc.Degrees('+18:53:03.548')
    stellar_logg = 4.36,           # float, in log(cm/s^2)
    stellar_temperature = 6065.0,  # float, in Kelvin
    stellar_metallicity = 0.0,     # float, in dex(Fe/H) or dex(M/H)
    rp_over_rs = 0.12086,          # float, no units
    period = 3.5247486,            # float, in days
    sma_over_rs = 8.76,            # float, no units
    eccentricity = 0.0,            # float, no units
    inclination = 86.71,           # float values are assumed to be in degrees,
                                   # alternatively, you can provide a plc.Hours or plc.Degrees object
                                   # here it would be plc.Degrees(86.71)           
    periastron = 0.0,              # float values are assumed to be in degrees,
                                   # alternatively, you can provide a plc.Hours or plc.Degrees object
                                   # here it would be plc.Degrees(0.0)
    mid_time = 2452826.62928,      # float, in days
    mid_time_format = 'BJD_TDB',   # str, available formats are JD_UTC, MJD_UTC, HJD_UTC, HJD_TDB, BJD_UTC, BJD_TDB    
    ldc_method = 'claret',         # str, default = claret, the other methods are: linear, quad, sqrt
    ldc_stellar_model = 'phoenix', # str, default = phoenix, the other model is atlas
    albedo = 0.15,                 # float, default = 0.15, no units 
    emissivity = 1.0,              # float, default = 1.0, no units

We can quickly create a plc.Planet object based on catalague data as follows:

planet = plc.get_planet('hd209458b')

At the moment the data provided are base on the Exoplanet Characterisation Catalogue (ECC) developed as part of the ExoClock Project. The catalogue contains 370 objects and will gradually expand in future releases.

To retrieve a list of all the available planet names we can type:

all_planets = plc.get_all_planets()


There is a number of parameters for every planet that do depend on the observing filter and are necessary to calculate the correct transit/eclipse models at different wavelengths and to allow the simultaneous analysis of multi-wavelength light-curves:

  • the planet-to-star radius ratio (rp_over_rs)
  • the limb-darkening coefficients (limb_darkening_coefficients)
  • the planet-to-star flux ratio (fp_over_fs)

By default, a plc.Planet object contains the above parameters for a number of standard filters:

  • clear
  • luminance
  • 2mass_j
  • 2mass_h
  • 2mass_ks
  • sdss_u
  • sdss_g
  • sdss_r
  • sdss_i
  • sdss_z
  • Kepler
  • TESS
  • irac1 (available only for the atlas model, if phoenix is chosen, it will change automatically to atlas, with more restrictions on the minimum temperature available, 3500K)
  • irac2 (available only for the atlas model, if phoenix is chosen, it will change automatically to atlas, with more restrictions on the minimum temperature available, 3500K)
  • irac3 (available only for the atlas model, if phoenix is chosen, it will change automatically to atlas, with more restrictions on the minimum temperature available, 3500K)
  • irac4 (available only for the atlas model, if phoenix is chosen, it will change automatically to atlas, with more restrictions on the minimum temperature available, 3500K)

In these default calculations:

  • the rp_over_rs is equal to the value defined when creating the plc.Planet object,
  • the limb-darkening coefficients are calculated using the filter response curves, together with the stellar parameters, the ldc_method and the the ldc_stellar_model defined when creating the plc.Planet object (more in the ExoTETHyS package),
  • the planet-to-star flux ratio (reflected + emmitted) is calculated using the albedo and the emissivity defined when creating the plc.Planet object, assuming the star are emitting as black bodies.

The default calculations can be accessed by typing:

limb_darkening_coefficients = planet.filter('COUSINS_R').limb_darkening_coefficients
fp_over_fs = planet.filter('COUSINS_R').fp_over_fs
rp_over_rs = planet.filter('COUSINS_R').rp_over_rs # no difference from planet.rp_over_rs if we have not defined our own filter

Of course we can define additional filters (that can be accessed in the same way) or alter the parameters in the existing filters by typing:

planet.add_filter('my_filter', rp_over_rs, ldc1, ldc2, ldc3, ldc4, fp_over_fs)

Fitting Transit / Eclipse light-curves

For the purpose of this excersise, we will create some simulated data. In real life, you will provide your own light-curves with their characteristics.

To model-fit observations, we first need to add them to the plc.Planet object. We should be careful to add either only transit data or only eclipse data.

# first observation
time = np.arange(planet.mid_time - 0.1, planet.mid_time + 0.1, 0.001)

transit = planet.transit_integrated(time, time_format='BJD_TDB', exp_time=120, time_stamp = 'mid', filter_name='COUSINS_R', max_sub_exp_time=1)
systematics = 1.2 * (1 + 0.013 * (time - time[0]) + 0.03 * ((time - time[0]) ** 2))
error = np.random.normal(0, 0.002, len(time))
flux = transit * systematics + error

flux_unc = np.ones_like(error) * np.std(error)

    time = time,                # the time vector of our observation
                                # np.array of float values 
    time_format = 'BJD_TDB',    # format in which our time vector is expressed
                                # str, available formats are: JD_UTC, MJD_UTC, HJD_UTC, HJD_TDB, BJD_UTC, BJD_TDB 

    exp_time = 120,             # exposure time of our time vector
                                # float, in seconds
    time_stamp = 'mid',         # exposure time stamp for our time vector (do the numbers refer to the exposure start, the mid-exposure, or the exposure end?)
                                # str, available stamps are: start, mid, end 
    flux = flux,                # the flux vector of our observation
                                # np.array of float values, 
    flux_unc = flux_unc,        # the flux-uncertainty vector of our observation
                                # np.array of float values, 
    flux_format = 'flux',       # format in which our flux and flux-uncertainty vectors are expressed
                                # str, available formats are: flux, mag
    filter_name = 'COUSINS_R'   # filter used for this observation 
                                # str, available filters are: all the default filters and those added manually by us

# second observation
time = np.arange(planet.mid_time - 0.05, planet.mid_time + 0.15, 0.001)

transit = planet.transit_integrated(time, time_format='HJD_UTC', exp_time=30, time_stamp = 'mid', filter_name='TESS', max_sub_exp_time=1)
systematics = 3.6 * (1 - 0.02 * (time - time[0]) + 0.05 * ((time - time[0]) ** 2))
error = np.random.normal(0, 0.0005, len(time))
flux = transit * systematics + error

flux_unc = np.ones_like(error) * np.std(error)

    time = time,                                         
    time_format = 'HJD_UTC',                                                              
    exp_time = 30,
    time_stamp = 'mid',                                  
    flux = flux,                                   
    flux_unc = flux_unc,                         
    flux_format = 'flux',                       
    filter_name = 'TESS'                   

Once added, we can fit all the observations simultaneously using the following command:


where the output_folder is the path where we want to save the results. There is a number of options when fitting the data:

detrending_order            # default:2, instance:float, accepted values: 0, 1, 2
                            # indicates the order of a polynomial that will be fitted together with the observation 
                            # for de-trending purposes (every observation will be de-trended by a different polynomial

iterations                  # default:130000, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC iterations

walkers                     # default:200, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC wakers

burn_in                     # default:30000, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC burn-in

fit_rp_over_rs              # default:True, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the rp_over_rs or not

fit_individual_rp_over_rs   # default:True, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit different value for the rp_over_rs over different filters, 
                            # or not

fit_sma_over_rs             # default:False, instance:bool 
                            # indicates whether to fit for the sma_over_rs or not

fit_inclination             # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the inclination or not

fit_mid_time                # default:True, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the transit mid-time or not

fit_individual_times        # default:True, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit different value for the transit mid-time over different epochs, 
                            # or not

fit_period                  # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the period or not (we cannot activate both fit_period and 
                            # fit_individual_times)

fit_ldc1                    # default:False, instance:bool 
                            # indicates whether to fit for first limb-darkening coefficient or not

fit_ldc2                    # default:False, instance:bool 
                            # indicates whether to fit for second limb-darkening coefficient or not

fit_ldc3                    # default:False, instance:bool  
                            # indicates whether to fit for third limb-darkening coefficient or not

fit_ldc4                    # default:False, instance:bool 
                            # indicates whether to fit for forth limb-darkening coefficient or not

fit_rp_over_rs_limits       # default:[0.5, 2.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the rp_over_rs, as a factor - by default the limits are 
                            # from half the initial rp_over_rs value to twice the initial rp_over_rs value

fit_sma_over_rs_limits      # default:[0.5, 2.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the sma_over_rs, as a factor - by default the limits are 
                            # from half the initial sma_over_rs value to twice the initial sma_over_rs value

fit_inclination_limits      # default:[70.0, 90.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the inclination, as a value - by default the limits are 
                            # from 70 to 90 degrees
fit_mid_time_limits         # default:[-0.2, 0.2], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the transit mid_time, as a difference - by default the 
                            # limits are from 0.2 days before the initial transit mid_time to 0.2 days after the initial 
                            # transit mid-time

fit_period_limits           # default:[0.8, 1.2], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the period, as a factor - by default the limits are from 
                            # 0.8 times the initial period value to 1.2 times the initial period value

fit_ldc_limits              # default:[0.0, 1.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the limb-darkening coefficients, as a value - by default 
                            # the limits are from 0 to 1

max_sub_exp_time            # default:10, instance:float
                            # maximum sub-exposure to be used when calculaing the exposure-integrated models

precision                   # default:3, instance:float
                            # numerical precision to be used when calculating the models

For eclipse observations, we need to type:


and the fitting options are very similar:

detrending_order            # default:2, instance:float, accepted values: 0, 1, 2
                            # indicates the order of a polynomial that will be fitted together with the observation 
                            # for de-trending purposes (every observation will be de-trended by a different polynomial

iterations                  # default:130000, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC iterations

walkers                     # default:200, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC wakers

burn_in                     # default:30000, instance:float
                            # indicates the number of MCMC burn-in

fit_fp_over_fs              # default:True, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the fp_over_fs or not

fit_individual_fp_over_fs   # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for different values of fp_over_fs over different filters or not

fit_rp_over_rs              # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the rp_over_rs or not

fit_individual_rp_over_rs   # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for different values of rp_over_rs over different filters or not
fit_sma_over_rs             # default:False, instance:bool 
                            # indicates whether to fit for the sma_over_rs or not

fit_inclination             # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the inclination or not

fit_mid_time                # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the eclipse mid-time or not

fit_individual_times        # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit different value for the transit mid-time over different epochs, 
                            # or not

fit_period                  # default:False, instance:bool
                            # indicates whether to fit for the period or not (we cannot activate both fit_period and 
                            # fit_individual_times)

fit_fp_over_fs_limits       # default:[0.001, 1000.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the fp_over_fs, as a factor - by default the limits are 
                            # 0.1% of the initial fp_over_fs value to 1000 times the initial fp_over_fs value

fit_rp_over_rs_limits       # default:[0.5, 2.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the rp_over_rs, as a factor - by default the limits are 
                            # from half the initial rp_over_rs value to twice the initial rp_over_rs value

fit_sma_over_rs_limits      # default:[0.5, 2.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the sma_over_rs, as a factor - by default the limits are 
                            # from half the initial sma_over_rs value to twice the initial sma_over_rs value

fit_inclination_limits      # default:[70.0, 90.0], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the inclination, as a value - by default the limits are 
                            # from 70 to 90 degrees
fit_mid_time_limits         # default:[-0.2, 0.2], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the eclipse mid_time, as a difference - by default the 
                            # limits are  from 0.2 days before the initial eclipse mid_time to 0.2 days after the 
                            # initial eclipse mid-time

fit_period_limits           # default:[0.8, 1.2], instance:list (length=2)
                            # indicates the prior limits for the period, as a factor - by default the limits are from 
                            # 0.8 times the initial period value to 1.2 times the initial period value

max_sub_exp_time            # default:10, instance:float
                            # maximum sub-exposure to be used when calculaing the exposure-integrated models

precision                   # default:3, instance:float
                            # numerical precision to be used when calculating the models

Models of Transits / Eclipses light-curves

Getting the forward model of a transit/eclipse light-curve is as easy as it used to be.

For a specific time series (let's call it time_array with size N), defined in any of the acceptable time formats (JD_UTC, MJD_UTC, HJD_UTC, HJD_TDB, BJD_UTC, BJD_TDB) we can calculate the transit/eclipse model or the integrated transit/eclipse model for a given exposure time and time stamp (start, mid, end, representing the tart the middle and the end of the exposure, respectively) as follows:

time_array = np.arange(planet.mid_time - 0.1, planet.mid_time + 0.1, 0.001)
transit_model = planet.transit(time_array, time_format='BJD_TDB', filter_name='COUSINS_R')
transit_model_integrated = planet.transit_integrated(time_array, time_format='BJD_TDB', 
                                                     exp_time=120, time_stamp='mid',

time_array = np.arange(planet.eclipse_mid_time - 0.1, planet.eclipse_mid_time + 0.1, 0.001)
eclipse_model = planet.eclipse(time_array, time_format='BJD_TDB', filter_name='COUSINS_R')
eclipse_model_integrated = planet.eclipse_integrated(time_array, time_format='BJD_TDB',
                                                     exp_time=120, time_stamp='mid',

For the integrated models, the calculation is done on a sub-exposure basis. The code calculates the model values for a number of shorter exposures, which are then averaged. The length of the sub-exposures can be controlled through the max_sub_exp_time argument, for which the default value is 10 (in seconds). The lower the number, the more precise the integrated model will be, but the computation time will be increased. For all exoplanets, a max_sub_exp_time=10 should be sufficient.

Other Transit / Eclipse calculations

Based on the parameters defined when creating the plc.Planet object, the eclipse mid-time (in the BJD_TDB format) is calculated automatically and we can access it by typing:

eclipse_mid_time = planet.eclipse_mid_time

Also, we can calculate the transit/eclipse depth and duration for different filters:

transit_duration = planet.transit_duration('COUSINS_R')
transit_depth = planet.transit_depth('COUSINS_R')
eclipse_duration = planet.eclipse_duration('COUSINS_R')
eclipse_depth = planet.eclipse_depth('COUSINS_R')

Orbital calculations

For a specific time series (let's call it time_array with size N), we can calculate other series, related to the orbit of the planet. These are:

  1. the 3D position of the planet as a function of time. The planet.planet_orbit function will return a 3xN array where the elements corresponds to the x,y,z coordinates of the planet. The coordinate system assumes that the star is at (x,y,z)=(0,0,0), the Earth is at (x,y,z) = (+inf,0,0) and that the planet is at its periastron during the mid-transit time when periastron = 90 degrees. All coordinates are in units of stellar radii.

  2. the projected distance between the planet and the star as a function of time. The planet.planet_star_projected_distance function will return an array of size N. All distances are in units of stellar radii.

  3. the orbital phase of the planet. The planet.planet_phase function will return an array of size N.

time_array = np.arange(planet.mid_time - 0.1, planet.mid_time + 0.1, 0.001)

x, y, z = planet.planet_orbit(time_array, 'BJD_TDB')
projected_distance = planet.planet_star_projected_distance(time_array, 'BJD_TDB')
planet_phase = planet.planet_phase(time_array, 'BJD_TDB')

Data analysis toolkit

Angles and times

In this version we can easily convert angles to different formats. For example:

ra = plc.Hours('22:03:10.7729')

ra_in_degrees = ra.deg()
ra_in_hours = ra.hours()
ra_in_rad = ra.rad()
ra_in_dms = ra.dms()
ra_in_dms_coordinate = ra.dms_coord() # this will give the angle between -90 and 90 degrees
ra_in_hms = ra.hms()
ra_in_degrees_coordinate = ra.deg_coord() # this will give the angle between -90 and 90 degrees

To convert between different time systems we need forst to define aa plc.FixtedTarget object:

ra = plc.Hours('22:03:10.7729')
dec = plc.Degrees('+18:53:03.548')
target = plc.FixedTarget(ra, dec)

mid_time_in_hjd_utc = 2458485.00380255
mid_time_in_bjd_tdb = target.convert_to_bjd_tdb(mid_time_in_hjd_utc, 'HJD_UTC')
# available formats: JD_UTC, MJD_UTC, HJD_UTC, HJD_TDB, BJD_UTC, BJD_TDB

Star PSF fitting

Emcee wrapper


Numerical integration



  • Fixed packaging and test issues.


  • Database updates checked in memory.
  • Fixed database updating loop.


  • Fix np.float bug.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Angelos Tsiaras, and collaborators

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Mario Morvan

Konstantinos Karpouzas

Ryan Varley