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API Works

Thomas Scherz edited this page Dec 7, 2020 · 5 revisions


Method URL ( Description
GET /api/concern/work_type/id(.json) Return a work.
PATCH /api/concern/work_type/id(.json) Update a work.
POST /api/concern/work_type Create a work.

The current valid work_types are: etds, articles, documents, datasets, images, media, student_works, generic_works. The id field is only if you have an existing id, you can't make your own.


Field Required Work Type(s) Multi-Valued Notes
email For creating All works no Needed in case the uploader doesn't have an account
first_name For creating All works no Needed in case the uploader doesn't have an account
last_name For creating All works no Needed in case the uploader doesn't have an account
access no All works no Must be either open, authenticated, or "restricted" for private (defaults to private)
title For creating All works no
creator For creating All works yes
college no All works no Must be a college in config/college_and_department.yml. This field when not set will use the users current college
department no All works yes This field when not set will use the users current department
description For creating All works no
license For creating All works no Must be a license in config/authorities/licenses.yml
publisher no All works except Etds yes
date_created no All works no
alternate_title no All works yes
subject no All works yes
geo_subject no All works yes
time_period no All works yes
language no All works yes
required_software no All works no
note no All works no
related_url no All works yes
genre no Document, Image, Student Works no Must be a genre in config/authorities/genre_types_student_work.yml, config/authorities/genre_types_document.yml or config/authorities/genre_types_image.yml
advisor no Etds, Student Works yes
degree no Etds, Student Works no
committee_member no Etds, Student Works yes
etd_publisher no Etds, Student Works no
journal_title no Articles yes
issn no Articles yes
attachments[][file] no All works no This a unique field. Since this allows files to be uploaded, it uses a special format to allow for it to be uploaded. In curl it looks like -F 'attachments[][file]=@new_image.jpg', and you can submit this field multiple times. It currently only works when creating works.
create_user no All works no This field allows you to create a user if the supplied user is not given. This is only allowed when creating works.

Multi-Valued Fields

Multi-valued fields are fields that allow for multiple values in them. When using the website, there is a button that allows you to add another field. In the API, all you have to do is put a | between them. For example "related_url": "|".

Example of Creating a Private Dataset with attached File

curl -X POST -H 'api-key: APIKEY' -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F title=Title -F -F first_name=Glen -F last_name=Horton -F college=Libraries -F 'department=Program or Department' -F creator=Creator -F description=Description -F 'license=' -F 'attachments[][file]=@IMG_7755.JPG'