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Experimental OOP language that compiled to native code with non-fragile and stable ABI


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Nitro is an experimental OOP language with the following goals:

  • Compiled to native code like C/C++/Go or Rust.
  • Non-fragile and stable ABI.
  • A Nitro library will be distributed as a compiled binary similar to JAR or DLL file, not as a source code like most languages did.
  • Built-in cross compilation (e.g. one can produce Linux binary on Windows).
  • GC using reference counting.
  • Runtime reflection.
  • Error handling using exception.
  • No null value (except a pointer).
  • Option type.

Nitro borrowed most of the syntax from Rust except:

  • Nitro is an OOP language like Java or C#.
  • Easy to learn, especially for people who already know Java, C# or Rust.
  • No lifetime, no borrow checker, no const VS mut.
  • No borrowed and owned type like str and String.
  • Use exception like Java or C# for error handling (no checked exception).
  • Nitro was designed for application programming rather than systems programming.

Different from Java or C#

The main different is Nitro compiled to native code instead of Java bytecode or Common Intermediate Language, which can be run without a VM. The benefit with this are:

  • Low memory footprint.
  • Fast startup.
  • Can be run on a client machine directly without a VM.
  • Easy to interop with other languages.

Different from Swift and D

The reason Nitro was born is because of:

  • D has fragile ABI.
  • Swift does not support namespace.

Current state

I'm currently writing the stage 0 compiler along side the std library. The goal of stage 0 compiler is to compile the std and cli. Once the first version of cli is fully working Nitro will become a self-hosted language.


class Allocator;

impl Allocator {
    fn Alloc(size: UInt, align: UInt): *UInt8 {
        let ptr = aligned_alloc(align, size);

        let ptr = _aligned_malloc(size, align);

        if ptr == null {
            @if(os != "windows")

            @if(os == "windows")
            asm("int 0x29", in("ecx") 7, out(!) _);


    fn Free(ptr: *UInt8) {


    fn aligned_alloc(align: UInt, size: UInt): *UInt8;

    fn free(ptr: *UInt8);

    fn _aligned_malloc(size: UInt, align: UInt): *UInt8;

    fn _aligned_free(ptr: *UInt8);

    fn abort(): !;

Build from source


  • Git
  • Rust
  • C++ toolchain (e.g. MSVC, XCode, GCC)
  • CMake

Download the source

You need to clone this repository with submodules like this:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Build dependencies

Run the following command in the root of this repository:

Linux and macOS




Build CLI

Linux and macOS


Supply debug as a first argument if you want to hack on Nitro.



Set parameter Type to debug if you want to hack on Nitro (e.g. .\build-cli.ps1 -Type debug).

Build distribution

Linux and macOS





BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License


Experimental OOP language that compiled to native code with non-fragile and stable ABI








No releases published

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