UPDATE, 16 Aug 2022: Quarto, the successor to R Markdown, comes with an ACM template. Go and use this instead! :)
This R package provides a template for writing ACM CHI Proceedings papers in R Markdown, and compiling to PDF via the LaTeX templates from the ACM Master LaTeX Template (v. 1.71).
- a LaTeX installation
- R and RStudio
For general advice on how to use R Markdown for academic writing, see e.g. https://ulyngs.github.io/oxforddown/
- download a copy of this repository (click the green 'Code' button, then 'download zip')
- open chi_2021_template.Rproj in RStudio
- replace sample-bibliography.bib with your own bibliography
- replace the content in main.Rmd with your own fantastick work
- click the 'Knit' button in RStudio to compile to pdf
NOTE: include the initial setup_output code chunk at the top of your .Rmd file, as it creates custom chunk options that allow you to e.g. add image descriptions for visually impaired readers.