A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
Azure Management Libraries for Java
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
BlinkDB: Sub-Second Approximate Queries on Very Large Data.
Invoke vim in diff mode on git changes, in a navigable, editable way
umbrant / EL-Escudo
Forked from ryowens84/EL-EscudoArduino library for an EL Shield from SparkFun
Streaming estimation of percentiles, especially high percentiles.
A small I/O benchmark of the effect of I/O priorities on reader threads
Rain is a statistics-based workload generation toolkit that uses parameterized and empirical distributions to model the different classes of workload variations.
The version of hyde I've customized for umbrant
My personal site, all static HTML generated with hyde
Testing Android 2.1 application that continuously takes pictures
A quick and dirty seven-segment display OCR web service using ssocr and
A Python Static Website Generator (Presently Unmaintained).
Helper scripts to setup isolation through cpusets
Modified version of Qt to use our NBB channels instead of sockets