Ready to Xamarin & .NET Core, File-System Library.
It's File-System Libraries, Get a File-System as a Tree-Structure Objects, and Operate it.
Xb.File.Tree: for Local File-System, and Zip-Archive Files.(includes Tree-Structure Defenitions.)
Xb.Net.SmbTree: for files on SMB/Cifs Networks.
Supports .NET4.6, .NET Standard1.3
- Add NuGet Package Xb.File.Tree, Xb.Net.SmbTree to your project.
- Exec Tree's Static Method to Get ITree-object, and do any()
Namespace and Methods are...
+- .ITree(Instance)
| |
| +- .Exists(string path)
| | Validate own-INode path
| |
| +- .GetNode(string path)
| | Get matched one INode-object by fullpath
| |
| +- .GetNodes(ICollection<string> paths)
| | Get matched INode-objects by fullpath
| |
| +- .Find(string needle)
| | Get first-INode of matched needle
| |
| +- .FindAll(string needle)
| | Get all-INodes of matched needle
| |
| +- .ScanRecursiveAsync()
| Tree-Structure Re-Scan recursive(VERY HEAVY!)
+- .INode(Instance)
| |
| +- .Scan()
| | Scan child-INodes
| |
| +- .ScanRecursiveAsync()
| | Scan refresh nodes recursive on async
| |
| +- .GetSerializable()
| | Get serializable-object of tree structure(ex: JSON-Converting)
| |
| +- .GetAllChildrenRecursive()
| | Get INode-Array of all-children, exec recursive
| |
| +- .Find(string needle)
| | Get first-INode of matched needle
| |
| +- .FindAll(string needle)
| | Get all-INodes Array of matched needle
| |
| +- .GetBytes()
| | Get byte-array of this INode
| |
| +- .GetBytes(long offset, int length)
| | Get byte-array of this INode, sliced by passing values
| |
| +- .GetBytesAsync()
| | Get byte-array of INode on async
| |
| +- .GetBytesAsync(long offset, int length)
| | Get byte-array of node on async, sliced by passing values
| |
| +- .GetReadStream()
| | Get stream for read-only
| |
| +- .WriteBytes(byte[] bytes)
| | Overwrite data of INode
| |
| +- .WriteBytesAsync(byte[] bytes)
| | Overwrite data of INode on async
| |
| +- .CreateChild(string name, Xb.File.Tree.NodeBase.NodeType type)
| | Create child-INode
| |
| +- .Delete()
| Delete myself from ITree/INode's children
+- .FileTree(Static)
| |
| +- .GetTree(string path)
| | Returns ITree-object of Local File-System with the passing path as the root
| |
| +- .GetTreeRecursiveAsync(string path)
| Returns a Tree object of Local File-System that scans all nodes under the passing path(VERY HEAVY!)
+- .ZipTree(Static)
+- .GetTreeAsync(string zipFileName,
| bool readOnly = true,
| Encoding encoding = null)
| Returns ITree-object of ZipArchive with the passing zip-file as the root
+- .GetTreeAsync(Stream readableStream,
Encoding encoding = null)
Returns *READONLY* ITree-object of ZipArchive with the passing zip-file as the root
+- .SmbTree(Static)
+- .GetTree(string serverName,
| string path,
| string userName = null,
| string password = null,
| string domain = null)
| Get ITree-object of SMB/Cifs-File-System with the passing path as the root
+- .GetTreeRecursiveAsync(string serverName,
| string path,
| string userName = null
| string password = null
| string domain = null)
| Get ITree-object of SMB/Cifs-File-System that scans all nodes under the passing path (VERY HEAVY!) |
+- .Exists(string serverName,
| string path,
| string userName = null,
| string password = null,
| string domain = null)
| Validate passing path
+- .GetServersAsync()
| Get SMB-servers on LAN
+- .GetServersAsync(IPAddress address)
| Get SMB-servers on passing LAN
+- .GetSharesAsync()
| Get server, shared-folder's names on LAN
+- .GetSharesAsync(string serverAddress)
Get shared-folder names on server
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