Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems: a Global Model
The Global CLEWS model provides useful insights about the relationships among water, energy, land use and climate at the global scale.
It was developed to inform the discussions leading to Rio+20 and will soon be upgraded to provide insights about the interlinkages among climate, land, energy and water.
The challenge of progressing towards the Sustainable Development Goals is best approached taking into account synergies and trade-offs among them.
Global CLEWS package February 2016
The folder "Global_CLEWS_scenarios_V_1_0 "contains four files with the scenarios for the Global CLEWS model: GlobalCLEW_BASE.dat - This corresponds to the business-as-usual scenario. Greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase average temperature to between 4 degrees C and 6 degrees C. Consumption and production grow according to trend and no new environmental regulations are considered. GlobalCLEW_4DS.dat - This scenario poses a limit on use of fossil fuels such that average global temperature does not increase above 4 degrees C. GlobalCLEW_2DS.dat - This scenario poses a limit on use of fossil fuels such that average global temperature does not increase above 2 degrees C. Global CLEW_CO2tax - This scenario does not impose any limit on the use of fossil fuels but incorporates a global carbon tax increasing from US $1 per ton CO2 eq. in 2016 to US $25 in 2050.
The folder also contains the file Results_GlobalCLEWS.xls with the results of the model in terms of CO2 emissions, water use, and energy supply shown in the online visualization tool.
The folder "References" contains the Annex 2 of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2014 (4259Annexes2.pdf), which has a section on the Global CLEWS model.
To get the latest version of the model and for more information please visit the website of OSeMOSYS: