Original source based on https://north-road.com/2022/09/16/securely-accessing-arcgis-online-agol-and-enterprise-arcgis-portal-sites-through-qgis-2022-update/
- Click on the green 'Code' button and click 'Download ZIP' (if you are a GitHub user you can alternatively choose to oprn with GitHub Desktop)
- Save the Zip file to a folder on your computer.
- Navigate to the folder and unzip the file.
- In here you will find the files from this repository.
- In a windows explorer window copy the downloaded file to your QGIS profiles folder located in AppData (Note: if you can’t see the folder you may need to tell your windows explorer to be able to see hidden folder by going to View >>>show hidden items) e.g. your QGIS profile folder should be in your user AppData folder i.e. C:\Users\Corinnar\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default
Navigate to Layers>>Data Source Manager
Click on ArcGIS REST Server in the left hand panel and then click New
Fill out the following parameters
Name: UNEP-WCMC portal
URL: https://data-gis.unep-wcmc.org/server/rest/services/
Community endpoint URL: https://data-gis.unep-wcmc.org/portal/sharing/rest/community/
Content endpoint URL: https://data-gis.unep-wcmc.org/portal/sharing/rest/content/
Under 'Choose or create an authentication configuration, click the green '+' button
In the new window enter the following parameter
Name: UNEP-WCMC portal
Resource: https://data-gis.unep-wcmc.org/portal/sharing/rest/
In the box underneath resource pick Oauth2 authentication.
If you don't get the option in the dropdown to select Oauth2 authentication you may need to click the green '+' button. Here you may be asked to set a new master password.
In the row labelled grant flow Click the blue down arrow button
Navigate to the gis profile folder where you placed the authentication file and select the file.
i.e. C:\Users\Corinnar\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\QGIS_oauth2_UNEP_WCMC.json -
Click save
Under Authentications click you should now see UNEP-WCMC Portal (Oauth2)
Click ok to close
This will take you back to the Data Source Manager Window.
Click Connect
You should see two items (Groups and Services) under UNEP-WCMC portal
Click on the > arrow to expand Services
This will take you to the UNEP-WCMC portal login page
Once logged it you should get the message saying the authentication has worked and you can go back to QGIS.
you should not see this
If connection has worked see all the data layers in the portal which you can add directly into your QGIS project in the same way as shapefiles, geodatabase files and geotiff raster layers.
Connect QGIS to portal using oauth2 token (you will only need this if step 3 failed)
(original source: based on https://toolkit.data.wa.gov.au/hc/en-gb/articles/360001044975-How-to-Add-an-ArcGIS-Server-Feature-Service-Esri-Token-Authentication-in-QGIS#connecting-to-a-service-using-token-authentication)
- If the Oauth2 did not work this is an alternative method. Let Corinna or Osgur know if you get an error still and can’t connect using Oauth2 as it is useful to know during this testing phase when and why iot is not working. Then try the steps below.
You can generate a token which you can specify will last from 1 hour to 2 weeks. After the specified time you will need to repeat this process to generate a new token
Navigate to this website https://data-gis.unep-wcmc.org/portal/sharing/rest/oauth2
click on generate token
Login with your portal login
Click IP Address of this request’s origin
And click Generate Token
The token will appear underneath
Copy the token and return to QGIS
Go back to the Data Source Manager and this time edit the UNEP-WCMC Portal connection that you already tried to set up
Click on the Green plus button
A new Authentication window opens.
Give the new authentication a name e.g. UNEP-WCMC portal token
Change the dropdown from Basic Authentication to ESRI token
Paste your token in the box and click Save
Your authentication should now be set to the ESRI Token – click ok
You should now be back at the Data Source Manager.
Click Connect
You should see the same as you did when you tried to connect via the Oauth2 method
You should see two items (Groups and Services) under UNEP-WCMC portal
Click on the > arrow to expand Services
You should see all the data layers appear!!
Let Corinna or Osgur know if you get an error still and can’t connect