This script deploys unikraft generated KVM target unikernels on Digitalocean Cloud Platform
Copy the script to ~/.unikraft/
sudo cp ~/.unikraft/
- Go to digitalocean's
API > Applications & API > Spaces access keys
and generate your access key. - Go to
Account > Security > SSH keys
and generate your sshkey/fingerprint.
Put yourspaces key
in the config file.
Copy the script to /usr/local/bin
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
Please make sure that /usr/local/bin
is in your PATH
You can directly run the script like -
Eg, ./ (If the script is in current dir)
Please make sure that you have a working digitalocean account.
If not, please create one (click here).
usage: ./ [-h] [-v] -k <unikernel> -b <bucket> -p <config-path> [-n <name>]
[-r <region>] [-i <instance-type>] [-t <tag>] [-s]
Mandatory Args:
<unikernel>: Name/Path of the unikernel (Please use "KVM" target images)
<bucket>: Digitalocean bucket name
Optional Args:
<name>: Image name to use on the cloud (default: unikraft)
<region>: Digitalocean region (default: fra1)
<instance-type>: Specify the type of the machine on which you wish to deploy the unikernel (default: s-1vcpu-1gb)
<-v>: Turns on verbose mode
<-s>: Automatically starts an instance on the cloud
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.