Union is a member-owned trust backed credit network built on the EVM where members can underwrite lines of credit to other member addresses.
The contracts operates as a DAO and enables any address to accumulate a credit line on-chain in a permission-less, crypto-native way.
The protocol itself is not an underwriter of risk, but rather a mechanism to lower the cost of coordinating trust into available credit.
Built using foundry and hardhat
Optimism Goerli
Base Sepolia
Base Mainnet
To install dependencies:
git clone git@github.com:unioncredit/union-v2-contracts.git && cd union-v2-contracts
yarn install
To compile with hardhat:
yarn hh:compile
Union V1.5 Contracts also includes a suit of tests (fuzzing tests) writte in solidity with foundry
To install Foundry (assuming a Linux or macOS System):
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
This will download foundryup. To start Foundry, run:
To install dependencies:
forge install
To run tests:
forge test
The following modifiers are also available:
- Level 2 (-vv): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed.
- Level 3 (-vvv): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed.
- Level 4 (-vvvv): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed.
- Level 5 (-vvvvv): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.
forge -vv
To profile gas usage:
forge test --gas-report
forge snapshot
Integration tests can be run using hardhat.
yarn hh:test
They can also be run in fork mode. (Some tests can be excluded from running in fork mode and other tests can only run in fork mode)
You can also define which config should be used for the fork mode.
yarn format
Deposit to L2
yarn hardhat --network sepolia --config hardhat-task.config.ts op:deposit --pk <private_key> --l1-rpc-url https://eth-sepolia.public.blastapi.io --l2-rpc-url https://sepolia.base.org --l1-union 0xE4ADdfdf5641EB4e15F60a81F63CEd4884B49823 --l2-union 0xB025ee78b54B5348BD638Fe4a6D77Ec2F813f4f9 --amount 10000