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Releases and versioning

Øyvind Hagberg edited this page Oct 20, 2022 · 4 revisions

How this project does releases and versioning

The version number for a release is defined in the file VERSION. When binaries are built they automatically get this version number. Branches other than master have the branch name as a suffix to the version number. The version number is also present in the client scripts, and a workflow ensures the number is the same everywhere. On a server installation, the file /var/www/html/version.txt contains the version number. Additionally, the system service has the version number compiled into it and you can query it using the status API call.

All parts of the software (client, server) will be released at the same time and have the same version number. The version number will be the same for all platforms.

This project uses Semantic Versioning. In short, this means that given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, the:

  • MAJOR version increases when there are incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version increases when there is added functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version increases when there are backwards-compatible bug fixes.
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