Contains the Dockerfiles for building our build images (the images for the containers that we use to build for example Kafka applications in).
See Taskfile.yml for options.
Build with -tags=musl
(was -tags=static_all
before alpine 3.11). Example of building a Go app inside a container, taken from order-service:
docker run \
-v "$(pwd):/go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}" \
-w "/go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}" \
unitedwardrobe/golang-librdkafka:alpine3.11-golang1.14.2-librdkafka1.4.2-static \
go build \
-mod vendor \
-tags musl \
-o bin/{{.APP_NAME}} \
-a /go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}/cmd/{{.APP_NAME}}