This app helps you to save your thoughts using Room. The goal of this app is to
showcase inserting data loading it from Room DB, implementing DI, using LazyColumn and Compose Navigation and async programming with Coroutines and Flow.
Also implemented a CustomDialog
with custom layout.
XML Version
of This app with RecyclerView, Jetpack Navigation Component, Custom Exception and Custom Dialog
- Jetpack Compose with
Compose Navigation
Koin and Hilt DI
Custom Alert Dialog
//uses compose.runtime.State
private val _notes = MutableState<List<Note>>(emptyList())
val notes: State<List<Note>> = _notes
//loads data from db
repository.getNotes().onEach { notes ->
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
_notes.value = notes
//observing data in Composable function
fun NoteListScreen(navController: NavHostController, viewModel: NoteViewModel) {
val notes = viewModel.notes.value
LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
items(notes) { note ->
fun CustomDialog(onDeleteConfirm:()->Unit,onDeleteDismiss:()->Unit) {
Dialog(onDismissRequest = onDeleteDismiss) {
CustomDialogUI(onDeleteConfirm = onDeleteConfirm, onDeleteDismiss = onDeleteDismiss)
fun CustomDialogUI(
titleText:String = "Delete note?",
messageText:String = "Are you sure you want to delete note? There will be no way to restore it.",
) {
Card {
Icon( imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Delete )
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
Text(text = titleText, textAlign = TextAlign.Center)
Text(text = messageText, textAlign = TextAlign.Center)
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceAround
) {
TextButton(onClick = onDeleteDismiss) { Text("Cancel") }
TextButton(onClick = onDeleteConfirm) { Text("Delete") }