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bill edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 2 revisions


Major Concepts


A FHIR client or server. Usually a vendor supplied system is being referred to but it can also be the HAPI FHIR server enbedded in this tool.


Any interaction with an SUT generates an Event logging the request and response messages. The SUT can be a client of the tool (initiates the transaction) or a server (tool initiates the transaction);


A named collection of tests. A single TestCollection must contain all Server Tests or all Client Tests.


A Test is a named TestScript. When run it generates a TestReport.

Client Test

A Test where the client is a System and the server is a Channel in this tool.

Server Test

A Test where the client is this test tool and the server is a System.


A Testlog has two components, a TestReport and an Event.


A Channel is a path through the proxy. A Channel has a name, a type, and a server path. The simplest channel type is passthrough - messages sent to this channel type are recorded in the Testlog and passed on to the server after making the necessary minor HTTP Header addressing updates. The server path is usually a URL representing the target server. In the case of a FHIR server, the server Path is the FHIRPATH of the server.


An organizing concept within the tool. All test executions and therefore event logs are assigned to a TestSession. A TestSession is similar to a user account but it is more general. It is usually used to keep the work of one user or vendor separate from another user or vendor.

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