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The audio player control for React that displays the audio's amplitude peaks. Loads and decodes the audio data in memory, so best suited for small audio files, like voicemail, hence the name. The use case I had in mind is chat-based apps where users can send voice messages. Inspired by audio player in the Telegram messenger.

Note, this is neither a powerful audio visualization library, nor a powerful audio player. If you need rich visualizations, I suggest wavesurfer.js. If you look for a general-purpose audio player, check out react-audio-player-pro.

Check out the demo app.


Requires react to be already installed in your project. Minimum supported version of React is 18 because this component uses useSyncExternalStore hook. There is a shim for that, so it might be added in the future to support earlier versions of react if needed.

npm i react-voicemail-player

# or

yarn add react-voicemail-player


First you need to make sure the component's CSS is included on your web page. How you do this depends on your environment. Most probably you can import the stylesheet directly in your JavaScript or your CSS files:

// App.tsx
import 'react-voicemail-player/dist/react-voicemail-player.css';
// styles.css
@import url('react-voicemail-player/dist/react-voicemail-player.css')

Then, you import and render the component as you normally would. It accepts a function as children (render prop) that renders an <audio> element. The function will be called with a RefCallback as an argument that you need to set as ref on the rendered <audio> element.

import VoicemailPlayer from "react-voicemail-player";

function YourComponent() {
  return (
      {(ref) => <audio ref={ref} src="" />}

Since you have full control over the <audio> element, you can implement whatever functionality is missing from this player yourself by setting attributes/properties or calling methods on the element. Relevant changes to the <audio> element will be automatically reflected in the player's state. See examples setting the mute attribute dynamically and controlling the playback rate in ./example/App.tsx;


Component accepts the following props (only children is required):

  • children: (ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLAudioElement>) => React.ReactElement - A function that renders the <audio> element and sets its ref prop
  • className: string - A CSS class name to give to the component's root element
  • barAlignment: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" - Vertical alignment of bars in waveform. Default is "bottom".
  • barWidth: number - Width of a single bar in waveform in pixels. Default is 2.
  • barGap: number - Spacing between bars in waveform in pixels. Default is 2.
  • barRadius: number - Corner radius of bars in waveform in pixels. Default is barWidth / 2.

See the full API Reference.


Please consult the component's stylesheet and source code as necessary to determine which classes and properties you need to override.


Install dependencies with yarn:


Start development server

yarn start

Run tests (with watch mode)

yarn test

E2E Tests

E2E tests are run against the pre-compiled library files, make sure you've run yarn build before running e2e tests locally

Run once:

yarn test:e2e

Run in UI mode:

yarn test:e2e:ui

Update screenshots:

yarn test:e2e --update-snapshots

Update snapshots on Linux (for CI):

docker run --rm --network host -v $(pwd):/work/ -w /work/ -it /bin/bash
yarn install
yarn test:e2e --update-snapshots