LoraCaster, the Swiss Army Knife of LoraWan, is a LoraWan TTN compatible firmware for the cheap ESP32/Lora boards.
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LoraCaster, the Swiss Army Knife of LoraWan
LoraCaster v.0.0.1 build on Oct 28 2018 21:26:41
General commands:
h - shows this help
v - toggle verbosity
l - toggle led
Communication commands:
p[hex payload]! - charge payload in the memory max 1k byte
d - dump actual payload present in the memory
S - start transmission
H - halt transmission
Advanced commands:
t - send a Test message with content 0123456789 (ASCII)
c - shows LoraWan/TTN Configuration
b[]! - set message dimension in byte 0-100 (actual 100)
r - toggle retransmission (actual 0)
w[value]! - set delay between packets in second 0-255 (actual 0)
f[] - set spreading factor between 7,8,9,10,11,12 (actual 7)
R - generate a new random packet ID (actual 0x53 0x12)
- h - shows help and main configurations .
- v - enable/disable verbose debug messages.
- l - toggle the status of the blue led on the board.
- p[hex payload]! - load the hex payload passed in the board memory (MAX 1k byte).
- d - dump the actual payload present in the board memory.
- S - start the transmission of the payload present in memory. The payload is broken on chunks compatibles with the maximum message dimension (set with b command).
- H - set the halt flag, next transmission will be halted.
- t - send a Test message with content 0123456789 (ASCII), this command set the halt flag in order to stop next message.
- c - shows LoraWan/TTN configuration in hexadecimal format.
- b[]! - set the message maximum dimension in byte 0-100.
- r - toggle retransmission flag (useful for transmit the same payload many times)
- w[]! - set delay between packets in second 0-255.
- f[] - set spreading factor between 7,8,9,10,11,12.
- R - generate a new random packet ID
The payload is exploded in n messages based on message maximum dimension. Every message has the following format:
- LWC - magic number (3 bytes )
- * - separator (1 byte)
- 00 - packet ID (2 bytes) same ID for the same parts of the same payload
- * - separator (1 byte)
- 0 - message number (1 byte) progressive message counter
- 0 - total messages (1 byte) number of total messages needed to have the complete message
- * - separator (1 byte)
- ... - informative content (1-100 bytes) part of the complete message to be transmitted
The firmware is actually tested on the following boards:
- TTGO ESP32 Lora (with or without OLED)
- HelTec WiFi Lora 32 v.1 - consider to buy a v.2
Some examples are provided in order to use LoraCast in some real scenarios:
- File - move a file in the memory of the board, send in via Lora and receive with provided python script.
- BTC - generate a new transaction (via RPC), send it via Lora, receive the complete transaction, check and broadcast it (using the RPC available from a core node) - Require a Bitcoin core working node.
- LTC - generate a new transaction (via RPC), send it via Lora, receive the complete transaction, check and broadcast it (using the RPC available from a core node) - Require a Litecoin working node.