The aim of the project is to create a remote desktop for visualization and processing of medical images. Only works under linux or Mac OS, but patches are welcome!
a live demo is visible here:
more infos? Click here
CeCILL-B (BSD-compatible), if you use this code for academic purposes, please cite this article:
Link to PDF H. Jacinto, R. Kéchichan, M. Desvignes, R. Prost, and S. Valette, "A Web Interface for 3D Visualization and Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images", 17th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web 3D 2012), Los-Angeles, USA, pp. 51-58, 2012
Copyright (c) CNRS, INSA-Lyon, UCBL, INSERM
To install desk on your computer, you need:
- git
- node.js
- python to build the API browser or rebuild core qooxdoo code
to visualize 3D data (meshes, volumes) you also need;
- vtk + headers (versions 5 or 6)
- cmake
git clone
cd desk-electron
npm install
to install binary addons for 3D data visualization (needs vtk and cmake):
npm run buildAddons
npm start
This software benefits from several open-source contributions: