Most parameters of the scan are defined in source properties, detector properties, sample geometry. The script creates multiple processes to run Gate (single-process application). The output of each process is transformed into projections. 4 projections are made for every scan: all X-ray photons, photons that experienced Rayleigh scattering, photons that experienced Compton scattering, and total scattering signal (Rayleigh+Compton).
macro/ subfolder contains scripts that control simulation. Files in this subfolder are edited by
main.mac can be executed separately for visualization.
First, install spack
git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true
source spack/share/spack/
Some package use too much /tmp space, so
export TMPDIR=/export/scratch2/vladysla/spack/tmp
To install gate:
spack compiler find /opt/sw/gcc-11.3.0/bin/
spack install gate %gcc@11.3.0 ^nlohmann-json@3.10.5