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By default, this dApp runs on a local testnet, of which parameters are defined in .env, .env.local (priorized when developing) or .env.production (used in npm run build). The local testnet needs to be ran separately, but can be left to run without restarts.

How to run the local testnet over mainnet fork

  1. Clone the repo vanilladefi/contracts:
  2. Run npm install inside the newly cloned contracts repo
  3. Run cp .secrets.env.example .secrets.env and edit the API_KEYs into .secrets.env
  4. Run npm run node:mainnet-fork. This runs a local Hardhat testnet in localhost:8545 with chainid 1 , creates test accounts with 10k ETH each and deploys the Vanilla contracts automatically.
  5. Change the chainid setting in Metamask's localhost:8545-network, from 1337 to 1

To use the test accounts in Metamask, you need to import one of the accounts by its private key to a wallet of your choosing. These accounts will be the same on every run, so you only need to do this once per machine.

  1. Run npm run node:test-accounts to get a list of Hardhat test-accounts
  2. Pick one account, and import it into Metamask by copying the private key

Running the app itself

npm install
npm run dev

Running the app locally without testnet (UI dev purposes)

  1. Create a env.local with NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN_ID=1
  2. npm run dev

The app should be now accessible at localhost:3000.