GatewayAPIKit is a Swift package used to send text messages (SMS) with GatewayAPI for Server Side Swift.
To use GatewayAPI, please add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
name: ...
dependencies: [
.product(name: "GatewayAPIKit", package: "GatewayAPIKit")
All you need to send a text message is to initialize a GatewayAPIClient
import GatewayAPIKit
let eventLoop: EventLoop = ...
let httpClient = HTTPClient(...)
let client = GatewayAPIClient(eventLoop: eventLoop, httpClient: httpClient, apiKey: "")
Please store your API key in storage such as environment variables and not directly in code.
You can now send a simple text message:
client.send("My text message", to: ["4510203040"], from: "Mads")