A wrapper library around the official Ledger JavaScript library that attempts to simplify usage and handle various failure modes/problems.
import { LedgerVapory, BrowserLedgerConnectionFactory, Network } from "vaporyjs-ledger";
async function doStuff() {
const onConnectLedgerRequest = async () => { await promptUserToConnectLedger(); }
const onOpenVaporyAppRequest = async () => { await promptUserToOpenVaporyAppOnLedger(); }
const onSwitchLedgerModeRequest = async () => { await promptUserToSwitchVaporyAppToBrowserModeAndRestartVaporyApp(); }
const onEnableContractSupportRequest = async () => { await promptUserToEnableContractSupportInVaporyAppAndRestartVaporyApp(); }
const ledgerVapory = new LedgerVapory(Network.Main, BrowserLedgerConnectionFactory, onConnectLedgerRequest, onOpenVaporyAppRequest, onSwitchLedgerModeRequest);
const address = await ledgerVapory.getAddressByBip44Index(0);
const firstSignedMessagePromise = ledgerVapory.signTransactionByBip44Index("e8018504e3b292008252089428ee52a8f3d6e5d15f8b131996950d7f296c7952872bd72a2487400080", 7);
const secondSignedMessagePromise = ledgerVapory.signTransactionByBip32Path("e8018504e3b292008252089428ee52a8f3d6e5d15f8b131996950d7f296c7952872bd72a2487400080", "m/44'/60'/0'/0/7");
// this will block until both first and second messages are done because the library handles ordering internally
const secondSignedMessage = await secondSignedMessage;
// if the ledger isn't connected with the Vapory app open in browser mode, the on*Request callbacks above will be called before the signing promises return
const firstSignedMessage = await firstSignedMessage;
// BIP44 index 7 is the same as `m/44'/60'/0'/0/7`; it is strongly recommended to use index 0 if you don't support multi-address wallets
assert.equal(firstSignedMessage, secondSignedMessage);
force updates node-hid
, a transitive dependency of ledgerco
to 0.6.0
. This is necessary to get things working on Windows without requiring python as well as get tests working in Docker until ledgerco
upgrades its dependency on node-hid
to 0.6.0
You can test in node by building the TypeScript files and then running node output/scripts/node.js
You can test in browser (chrome only, look at developer console) by building the TypeScript files and then running npx budo output/scripts/browser.js --ssl
(note: you need openssl binaries on your path or in the root of your project).