Libkepoll use epoll model-based foundation. Separate socket and epol specific logic. Only care about the specific socket processing. Visit the
page and download the open source project
#include <server_kepoll.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyServer : public ServerKEpoll{
MyServer(const string addr, int port):ServerKEpoll(addr, port)
//standard input
bool StdinHandle(int fd){
char buf[2048] = {0};
int re = read(fd, buf, 2048);
if(re <=0)
return false;
buf[re] = '\0';
cout << "stdin : " << buf <<endl;
return true;
//client input
bool ClientHandle(int fd){
char buf[2048] = {0};
int re = read(fd, buf, 2048);
if(re <=0)
return false;
buf[re] = '\0';
cout << "client : " << buf <<endl;
return true;
//administrator input
bool OperaHandle(int fd){
char buf[2048] = {0};
int re = read(fd, buf, 2048);
if(re <=0)
return false;
buf[re] = '\0';
cout << "opera : " << buf <<endl;
return true;
int main()
MyServer server("", 4455);
//Capture standard input
//Administrator listening port
server.SetAdminer("", 9999);
//Multi-client port monitoring
server.SetListener("", 4444);
//Heartbeat packet transmission interval
//Start the message loop