0.17.0 (2024-10-30)
0.16.1 (2024-10-30)
0.16.0 (2024-10-28)
- adjusting max_af to max_carriers for inhouse (#512) (c212b44)
- consolidating protobuf definitions (#508) (#509) (0edcf98)
- more protobuf cleaning (#511) (06ebb8a)
0.15.0 (2024-10-24)
0.14.0 (2024-10-09)
- bump mehari to escape clinvar output string (#485) (#488) (e0e2370)
- suppress unknown consequence errors (#491) (c95ed79)
- suppress unknown consequence errors (#492) (bfe718d)
0.13.2 (2024-10-07)
0.13.1 (2024-10-07)
- add missing consequence conversion (#454) (843922a)
- changing protobuf and others as needed (#455) (2718a6e)
- make reading from S3 work and bump mehari (#452) (13a106a)
- proper handling of FORMAT/amq (#477) (e1f89a0)
0.13.0 (2024-08-06)
- write out hom. ref. count in seqvars aggregate (#428) (#429)
- cleanup protobufs to best practices (#423) (#425)
- refactory query schema to use protobuf (#374) (#419)
- cleanup protobufs to best practices (#423) (#425) (48a3144)
- introduce protobuf schema for seqvars query output (#375) (#430) (214c8e9)
- message members explicitely optional for protobufs (#431) (1458aad)
- refactory query schema to use protobuf (#374) (#419) (0e14e16)
- write out hom. ref. count in seqvars aggregate (#428) (#429) (3830a55)
0.12.0 (2024-06-19)
0.11.0 (2024-02-27)
- add build of docker containers (#243) (c455e25)
- adding "seqvars aggregate" command (#211) (#214) (d6db0b7)
- adjust "strucvars query" to read ingested VCFs (#202) (#220) (1fb3c58)
- allow importing gnomAD SV/CNV v4 as background db (#295) (#310) (ce9b391)
- create .tbi for written .vcf.gz files (#233) (#241) (be99642)
- implement "seqvars ingest" command (#199) (#206) (21b965c)
- implement "seqvars query" command (#201) (#223) (a7cb0bd)
- implement "strucvars ingest" command (#200) (#208) (a783ef3)
- implement I/O from/to S3 (#234) (#242) (414bb5d)
- implement ingest and aggregate for sniffles2 (#296) (#312) (6432365)
- implement ingest for Clair3+GLNexus (#297) (#311) (4144003)
- implement parsing of clinvar-data-jsonl data (#198) (#204) (e0ea7ac)
- implementing "seqvars prefilter" (#209) (#213) (984dc8b)
- remove gene regions from "strucvars query" database enhancement (#221) (#222) (28663b6)
- transform "db mk-inhouse" to "strucvars aggregate" (#212) (#217) (b51f027)
- transform "db to-bin" to "strucvars txt-to-bin" (#218) (#219) (ea6e387)
- unify database names in strucvar filtration (#307) (#308) (43413d4)
- write out fileDate on ingest (#210) (#215) (7731958)
0.10.2 (2023-10-04)
0.10.1 (2023-07-31)
0.10.0 (2023-07-25)
0.9.0 (2023-07-05)
- adding allelic balance for SVs (#127) (564a7ec)
- allow filtering SVs based on effect on transcript (#129) (#134) (1aab8c8)
- dependabot config and updates (#133) (006e306)
- removing unused dependencies (#124) (2cee74b)
- specification of genomic range in query (#126) (6eddaef)
0.8.0 (2023-06-28)
- remove REST server related code (#122) (#123)
- replace db-compile with per-output commands (#112) (#121)
- remove code that was moved to viguno/annonars (#116) (#117) (50099dd)
- remove REST server related code (#122) (#123) (0b68809)
- replace db-compile with per-output commands (#112) (#121) (5da2799)
0.7.0 (2023-06-09)
- add "db genes query" command (#109) (27e995c)
- adding "pheno prune" command against all-parents annotation (#100) (#114) (c77b2d4)
- adding genes database (#85) (#90) (634e281)
- adding sequence variant databases (#94) (74f985a)
- individual paths for "db genes build" (#106) (0a10a4e)
- move from flatbuffers to protocol buffers (#89) (#99) (cff7ace)
- support for dbNSFP gene information (#97) (#102) (0448bcb)
- use protobuf/prost for gene information storage (#96) (#101) (6a97fb6)
0.6.1 (2023-05-03)
- "db mk-inhouse" command for breakends (#79) (9b33e1d)
- command "sv query" for types BND and INS (#81) (5be2274)
- correctly interpret "callers" column (#82) (8e083c8)
- overlap queries for BND and INS (#83) (4de4eda)
0.6.0 (2023-05-02)
0.5.1 (2023-03-14)
0.5.0 (2023-02-13)
- annotate SVs with masked sequence overlap (#63) (#66) (0fd9403)
- implement gene allow lists for "sv query" (#65) (#67) (aa9da21)
- serve genome browser tracks from database (#59) (#60) (040c522)
- write out effective and matched genotype from rules (#64) (#68) (2c2c793)
0.4.0 (2023-02-09)
- add "server rest" sub command (#57) (#58) (4b41010)
- implement "db compile" sub command (#54) (#55) (7aa8c69)
0.3.0 (2023-02-01)
- enums serialization case and query issues (#41)
- allow configuring whether missing call_info entry is pass (#47) (#49) (4d0f64d)
- make clinvar/pathogenic SV overlap configurable (#39) (af36bd4)
- make TAD set configurable in query (#51) (82d4995)
- removing minimal overlap for pathogenic variants again (#53) (3a5d427)
- write out bg db overlap counts in "sv query" (#44) (#46) (7286d0d)
- write out distance to next TAD boundary (#45) (#50) (5ef72f3)
- writing out payload.sv_length (#43) (368621d)
- set next 0.3.0 (101615d)
0.2.1 (2023-01-31)
0.2.0 (2023-01-31)
- adding --max-results for "sv query" sub command (#32) (#33) (4aa7094)
- annotate ACMG and OMIM genes in "sv query" (#31) (#35) (9058e2a)
- "sv query" now writes out TSV with information for a MVP (#28) (6a928c8)
- add "sv build-bgdb" command (#18) (#19) (00cdf41)
- annotating SVs with ClinVar VCV (#27) (14af2bc)
- bootstrapping sv-query sub command (#2) (9cb0c95)
- implement proper counting of background records (#13) (#14) (a0965cc)
- implement public/in-house SV database interval tree construction (#4) (#5) (03442aa)
- implement query schemas (10) (#11) (cc087d7)
- implementing PoC query feature with SV VCF (#6) (#7) (925ebd8)
- make "sv query-next" feature-complete for a MVP (#24) (#25) (b7c873c)
- PoC implementation of variant filtration (#15) (#16) (12201ca)
- read query from JSON file (#22) (#23) (4e41fbc)
- switching CLI to multiple sub command levels (#17) (9af47df)
- using reasonble settings for sv query poc (#20) (#21) (26c0ba0)