{ "Standard Category","Category With Child": ["Child 1","Child 2" ]}
{ "Standard Category","Standard Category 2","Category With Child": ["Child 1","Child 2" ]}
{ "Standard Category","Category With Child": ["Child 1","Child 2" ],"Category With Child 2": ["Child 1","Child 2" ]}
$class = WC_Product_Generator_View::instance();
$generator = $class->generator;
'product_image' => true, # true / false
'product_type' => 'variable', # simple, variable, grouped, external,
'extra_metas' => array(), # array("_key1" => 'value','_key2 => 'value'),
'excerpt' => true, #true / false
'product_cat' => true, #true / false
'product_tag' => true, #true / false
'selling_price' => true, #true / false
'product_attributes' => true, #true / false
'product_gallery' => true, #true / false
'product_sku' => true, #true / false
'stock_status' => '',# instock / outofstock / ''
'manage_stock' => 'no', # yes / no / ''
'stock' => '', # any number or empty,
'product_gallery_count' => 5, # any number
'cat_max' => 2, # Total Number of category per product,
'tag_max' => 8, # Total Number of tags per product
'attribute_per_product' => 7, # Total Number of attributes per product
'attribute_terms_per_product' => 'all', # Total number of terms per attribute per product. or enter all to insert all attributes