These are my personal dotfiles which I have mostly curated from various sources. They are largely inspired by the following blog post for the most part.
It is managed by [Dotbot][].
Framework is [Prezto][]
Dotbot instructions on what to symlink is in the file install.conf.yaml.
anything you don't want to commit to github should go in this file.
sets up important variables and options used by other startup scripts..
- initialize Presto
- sources the zpreztorc config (see below)
- check for a .secrets file.
- Traverse the .zsh folder and source the files alphabetically
Bulk of the work is done here.
Stuff that happens at the final step..
Prezto is configured in the zpreztorc file.
Modules loaded are:
- environment
- terminal
- editor
- directory
- spectrum
- utility
- fasd
- node
- osx
- git
- homebrew
- completion
- syntax-highlighting
- prompt
The following are resources I used when making my dotfiles:
- [GitHub's page on dotfiles][] is used as a starting point.
- [Zach Holman's dotfiles][] was probably my primary source.
- [Mathias Bynen's dotfiles][] was equally important.
- [oh-my-zsh][] provides most functionality.
I try to update this document periodically, but I might miss something.