- Atlanta, GA
- http://veader.org
- @veader@mastodon.social
- @veader
veader.photography Public
Website for veaderphotography.com / veader.photography
HTML UpdatedMay 21, 2022 -
V8HorizontalPickerView Public
Horizontal UIPickerView Control for iOS
Arduino101-Gyro-Demo Public
Demo accessing gyro data off the Arduino 101 board over BLE and rendering on iOS.
desk Public
Forked from developwith/deskA lightweight, flexible library for desk.com APIv2, it supports basic auth and OAuth as authentication methods and is written to be auto discoverable.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2014 -
railscast Public
Forked from jpinnix/railscastAn Atom syntax theme based on the Railscast theme.
CSS UpdatedFeb 27, 2014 -
insert_ignore Public
Silly sinatra app that will generate insert ignore SQL command given select output.
V8SimpleBarGraphView Public
Very Simple BarGraph View for iOS
Specs Public
Forked from CocoaPods/SpecsA repository of CocoaPods (cocoapods.org) specifications.
Ruby UpdatedApr 5, 2013 -
V8TrySelector Public
Thought experiment adding the Rails concept of try to NSObject
c2dm sends push notifications to Android devices via google c2dm.