- Vert.x Core
- Vert.x Auth Common
- Vert.x Auth JDBC
- Vert.x Auth JWT
- Vert.x Auth OAuth2
- Vert.x Auth Shiro
- Vert.x SQL Common
- Vert.x JDBC Client
- Vert.x Web
Examples for Vert.x / Ceylon
- DeliveryOptions headers not available
- make data object member variable
- generated doc does not support overloading : it shows a single method and sometimes the return type can be unknown
- link to other modules
- Promise support
- generate data object converter in java to have @GenIgnore
- don't share the underlying vertx module
- consider using ceylon.promise for Handler<AsyncResult> ending methods
mvn -Dceylon.username=FroMage -Dceylon.password=XXX \
-Dceylon.out=https://modules.ceylon-lang.org/uploads/YYY/repo/ \
-pl vertx-lang-ceylon,vertx-lang-ceylon-stack \