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Background Variables used by MarkdownReports

vertesy edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 4 revisions

Background Variables used by MarkdownReports

MarkdownReports uses a couple of variables that are used by some functions.

These variables are assigned to the global environment either

  • by setup_MarkdownReports()
  • or have to be set manually, like ParentDir


Name of the Variable Purpose and use Created by Default
scriptname Name of your .R script (file) generating the report. "scriptname" will be used as the default title for the report. It is assigned to the global environment and used in pdf's title field to denote which script generated the file. setup_MarkdownReports()
OutDir All Output by that script (setup by setup_MarkdownReports) goes in this folder. setup_MarkdownReports()
BackupDir A subfolder in OutDir where you can manually backup certain version (Files in OutDir wlil be overwritten every time you rerun the script - you might want to save a run with certain parameters, etc. setup_MarkdownReports()
b.usepng Used by plotting functions. If TRUE, a link to the .png versions of the saved plot will be created. The .png file itself is not created. setup_MarkdownReports() F
b.png4Github Used by plotting functions. If TRUE, the link to the .png versions of the saved plot will be created in a GitHub compatible format. That means, when you upload your markdown report and the .png images to your GitHub wiki under "Reports/" the links will correctly display the images online. setup_MarkdownReports() T
b.mdlink Used by plotting functions. If TRUE, all saved (.pdf) plots will be linked into your report. setup_MarkdownReports() F Used by plotting functions. If TRUE, plots will be saved to a .pdf file. setup_MarkdownReports() T
b.defSize Default width of plot except in pdfA4plot_on(). setup_MarkdownReports() 7 (inches)
b.defSize.fullpage Default width of plot in pdfA4plot_on(). setup_MarkdownReports() 8.27 (inches, A4)
b.Subdirname A flag that sets the markdown image link correctly when working inside a SubDir. Used by: ww.MarkDown_Img_Logger_PDF_and_PNG() create_set_SubDir()
ProjectDir The global working directory for your project. Every script will have a subfolder in here. By default its your default working directory of R. Check it by getwd(). Has to be set manually

ProjectDir will be implemented in v3.0+!!