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How to use cpp client lib

Option One: Get package from github

Down package


Install lib to local

  • Centos
bash> sudo rpm -ivh nebula-graph-client-$version.$system.x86_64.rpm
  • Ubuntu
bash> sudo dpkg -i nebula-graph-client-$version.$system.amd64.deb

Update the dynamic library cache

bash> ldconfig

Option Two: Build by source code

clone nebula src

git clone


bash> cd nebula-cpp && mkdir build && cd build
bash> cmake ..
bash> make && sudo make install

If your g++ can't support c++11, you need to configure building by cmake like this

bash> cmake -DDISABLE_CXX11_ABI=ON ..

after finish building, cp the lib and include files to your dir

How to use in your code

  • Step 1: init arvs(a process can only call once)
  • Step 2: init connection pool, the default connections is 10, timeout is 1000 ms (a process can only call once),
  • Step 3: get a session
  • Step 4: execute your statements
  • Step 5: release session

Please refer to the sample code on detail usage.

build and run example code If your g++ version is more than 5.0

LIBRARY_PATH=${Your Installed Library Folder}:$LIBRARY_PATH g++ -std=c++11 SessionExample.cpp -I${Your Installed Include folder} -lnebula_graph_client -o session_example

If your g++ version is less than 5.0

LIBRARY_PATH=${Your Installed Library Folder}:$LIBRARY_PATH g++ -std=c++11 SessionExample.cpp -I${Your Installed Include folder} -lnebula_graph_client -o session_example -D _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0

Run the example (require a available nebula graph 2.0 server in '')

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${Your Installed Library Folder}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./session_example

Or if you're familiar to cmake you could try build and run by cmake directly.

Note: If you install by rpm or deb package, the default install path of rpm or deb package is /usr/local/nebula, the ${Your Installed Library Folder} is /usr/local/nebula/lib or /usr/local/nebula/lib64, the ${Your Installed Include folder} is /usr/local/nebula/include