This repository store the source code of a chat application built in NextJS. The code was built in alura's React event, and here I styled the code to make it unique and creative! Basically the application uses @skyneui/components to build a beautiful interface, react-tilt, that's a lib to use Vanilla-tilt effect, and lodash so that the application can wait while the user typing the input data, and just after he stop, the code runs (This technique avoid the application make request every time without necessity)
🚧 ... Developing ... 🚧
To use the application you need the Node and the yarn(optinally) installed in you computer, because through that we'll use npm
or yarn
to install the dependencies and run the application locally. But if you want just test the actual version, you can access the applicatio by visiting this link. It was deploied in vercel plataform
To use you need to install all dependencies by using yarn or node. To do that, runs the follows commands with yarn or npm
# Install the dependencies
# Runs the aplication in development environment
yarn dev
# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Runs the aplication in development environment
npm run dev
This project is under the MIT license MIT.
Made with dedication by VictorSilva15