Experiment to test loading and processing iris dataset in Rust and using the processed data in Python for Machine Learning tasks.
Load and process the iris dataset with polars
, a fast, Rust library for
working with DataFrame
is split into features and labels, and labels are converted into
categorical values. The result will be two dataframe (one for features & one
for label).
A Dataset
object is created with linfa
and then split into training and
validation set. The training set is trained on a linfa_trees::DecisionTree
and predictions are made on the validation dataset to compute the confusion matrix,
accuracy, precision, recall and other metrices.
classes | setosa | versicolor | virginica
setosa | 3 | 0 | 0
versicolor | 0 | 4 | 0
virginica | 0 | 1 | 7
[src/model.rs:75] &cm.accuracy() = 0.93333334
[src/model.rs:75] &cm.precision() = 0.93333334
[src/model.rs:75] &cm.recall() = 0.9583333
[src/model.rs:75] &cm.mcc() = 0.8994902
In practice, large dataframe can be loaded and processed with Rust's
crate and then saved to disk or a data warehouse which can be cheaply used by python to train or perform other data science tasks.
There's an examples/
folder containing both Rust & Python notebooks.
You are very welcome to modify and use them in your own projects.
Please keep a link to the original repository. If you have made a fork with substantial modifications that you feel may be useful, then please open a new issue on GitHub with a link and short description.
This project is opened under the MIT which allows very broad use for both private and commercial purposes.
A few of the images used for demonstration purposes may be under copyright. These images are included under the "fair usage" laws.