This is un-offical bundle for great blogging engine for developers: Octopress.
This bundle is designed for bootstrap v1.4. Not ready for v2.0.
To install via Git:
cd "~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles"
git clone git://
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
To install without Git:
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
# if this is the first time for bundle installation
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
curl -L | tar xz
mv vigo-textmate-octopress.* textmate-octopress.tmbundle
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
Inserts img
tag. More Octopress Help
{% img [left|center|right] [/path/to/image] [width] [height] [title] [alt] %}
Inserts backtick code block. More Octopress Help.
``` [language] [title] [url] [link text]
code here
Inserts codeblock
tag. More Octopress Help.
{% codeblock [title] lang:[lang] [url] [link text] %}
code ...
{% endcodeblock %}
Inserts gist
block. More Octopress Help.
{% gist [gist_id] [filename] %}
Inserts include_code
tag. File location depends on _config.yml
code_dir value. Default is: downloads/code. More Octopress Help.
{% include_code [title] [language] [filename] %}
Example from Octopress Help' help:
{% include_code Add to_fraction for floats ruby/test.rb %}
Means, source/downloads/code/ruby/test.rb
Inserts blockquote
tag. More Octopress Help
{% blockquote [author/@twitter, source] [link] [link title] %}
{% endblockquote %}
Inserts pullquote
tag. After entering your text, don't forget to select your
word/sentence to pullquote via kntrl+p
. For more information visit
Octopress Help
{% pullquote %}
{% endpullquote %}
Wraps selection with {" Text "}
. Usefull after Pullquote Wrapper.
For more information visit Octopress Website
{% pullquote %}
Surround your paragraph with the pull quote tags. Then when you come to
the text you want to pull, {" surround it like this "} and that's all there is to it.
{% endpullquote %}
Inserts render_partial
tag. More Octopress Website.
The render_partial
tag resolves paths to the source
directory, so write your paths accordingly.
{% render_partial [/path/file.markdown] %}
{% render_partial about/index.markdown %} # means: source/about/index.markdown
Inserts video
tag. More Octopress Website
{% video [url] [width] [height] [url/to/poster] %}
Inserts vimeo tag. More Gosuke Miyashita's blog
{% vimeo video_id width height %}
Inserts jsfiddle tag. Click here for examples.
{% jsfiddle shorttag [tabs] [skin] [height] [width] %}
Wraps selection with backtick.
This is a `selection`
Wraps selection with {% raw %} {% endraw %} tags to use Liquid syntax.
Shows the list of language syntax names via html form. For more information please visit Pygments Demo Page
Inserts <!-- more -->
to split the post for an excerpt.
- Don't forget, this bundle uses html and markdown scopes:
text.html, text.html.markdown and text.html.textile
- User raw wrapper
to publish Liquid syntax. - Check out for change log.