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Implementing a JIT Compiled Language with Haskell


The project aimed to implement a simple procedural language.
We named it HASKULL :-)
The frontend is written in Haskell and the backend it managed LLVM-hs-pure package.
The project extensively uses Monads, State Monads, Applicative functors and Transformers.

Built With

You will need GHC 7.8 or newer as well as LLVM 4.0.


Clone the repository:

git clone

Browse to the directory where all the files of this repository are located.

Run the following command to build the project.

stack build 


Run the following command to get an interactive console.

stack repl

Type "main" in the interactive console.

Write any code using the following Syntax rules.

Syntax rules: 
[A] means optional arg. of type A .

All the symbol starting with lower-case letter are terminal(lexer units).
All the operators are left associative

Command = Expr ;
Expr : DeclarationStmt| FuncCallStmt | LiteralStmt | ifthenStmt | (Expr)

DeclarationStmt : ExternDecl

ExternDecl : extern Name([ArgList]) : Type 

Type : int 
VList: Name[, VList]

FuncCallStmt : Call 
Call : Name ( [Args] ) 

BinOpCallStmt : BinOpCall
BinOpCall : Expr Op Expr 

Op : + | - | * | / | ; | <
reserved keywords: int char def extern string if then else
Args : Expr[, Args]

LiteralStmt : IntLiteral 
IntLiteral  : integer

Name : ident
ArgList : Type Name[, ArgList]

Func : def Name([ArgList]) : Type { Command-list }
Command-list = Command [Command-list]

Command = Expr ;

Some sample example functions are provided in examples.txt file. For more insight on the language grammar, refer to Language.hs, AST.hs files.


This project is documented under Haddock Documentation

To generate documentation run:

stack haddock


