Postnord integration for PrestaShop.
Please see documentation
cd modules
git clone
composer dump-autoload --optimize --no-dev --classmap-authoritative
And install the module
Remember to:
- Bump version number according to semver in the main module file
- Update CHANGELOG, change next version to the new version and add new section for next version
- Create pull request of the changes and merge to main
- Tag main for the release using format vX.X.X (same version as in the main module file)
git tag vX.X.X
git push --tags
Github actions will create new release and add a zip package to it
Tests require apikey to be defined.
POSTNORD_APIKEY=asdf composer run-script test
You can also define POSTNORD_HOST
if left out it will default to
get your apikey from:
Documentation is built using Jekyll in docs folder and is updated when new commits are pushed to main
To build docs locally install ruby and bundler and run:
cd docs
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
Docs use Minimal Mistakes theme.
Remember to update docs side nav if you add new sections