Cython implementation of Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution
pip install .
import numpy as np
from anms.ssc import square_covering_adaptive_nms
# randomly generate data
n_kpts = 10000
width, height = 960, 720
kpts_x = np.random.randint(width, size=(n_kpts,))
kpts_y = np.random.randint(height, size=(n_kpts,))
kpts = np.stack([kpts_x, kpts_y], axis=-1)
responses = np.random.random(n_kpts)
kpts_idxs = square_covering_adaptive_nms(
kpts, # 2-dimensional array of shape [N, 2]
responses, # 1-dimensional array of shape [N,]
width=width, # width of image
height=height, # height of image
target_num_kpts=2048, # desired number of keypoints left
indices_only=True, # if True return indices of selected keypoints, else return selected keypoints
up_tol=10, # tolerance for more selected keypoints
max_num_iter=30, # maximum number of binary search iterations
Paper: Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution
Original implementation: GitHub