This project work has been conducted on title Multimedia Explorer. The web application is designed to provide multiple entertainments on single platform.
Step 1: Install Node.js
Step 2: Run the following command in your terminal
npm i yarn
Step 3: Now install the external depandency by using following command
yarn install
Make sure that you have installed XAMPP if not then install it.
Step 4: Start MySQL from XAMPP
Step 5: Start Apache from XAMPP and paste the following URL in your browser
Step 6: Create a database named
and import the songdata.sql
Step 7: Go to firebase and generate your CLIENT_ID from there.
Step 8: Replace the client id in login.ejs and login.js folders checkAuth.js .
Step 9: Go to razorpay and get token and id from there and paste it on .env named file.
Step 10: Run the following command to start the project
yarn start
Step 11: Paste the following url into your browser
Project Info: Download
This project is no longer maintained by me since April 2022, so use it at your own!