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Welcome to the SpaceWebsiteInNextJs project! 🚀


This project is a space-related site that provides the latest space news, showcases the Astronomy Picture of the Day, and offers information about space activities. Built with Next.js, it offers a responsive and dynamic web experience.

Preview the site here



Update 1.1

  • Commented out API because Vercel doesn't allow HTTP API connections
  • Replaced ISS where API with another one.


  • 🌌 Space News: Stay updated with the latest space-related news.
  • 🚀 Astronomy Picture of the Day: Enjoy a new stunning astronomy picture every day.
  • 🛰️ Space Activity: Explore information about ongoing space activities.

Technologies Used

This project is built using Next.js, a React framework for building server-rendered React applications.

APIS used are Where is the ISS at?, a simple API that returns the location of the ISS and the APOD API, which returns a daily Image and a short description.

I used a Next-PWA-template

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies

    cd SpaceWebsiteInNextJs
    npm install
  3. Deploying App

    npm run dev

Currently Working On

  • Changing the activity API to something that has HTTPS connection so it can be hosted on Vercel